DERE - Law
The course aims at attaining the following general objectives: (1) Introducing the student to the study of three general problems in Law: its definition, or answering the question: What is Law?, second, its structure and functions, or the question: How is the Law? and finally, the relation between Law and justice, (2) Developing critical thinking regarding different definitions of Law and the different functions attributed to it, and (3) Studying thoroughly certain key concepts in understanding the expressions of the legal phenomenon and those who reflect or operate upon it, as well as incorporating and structuring elements that allow students to evaluate, legally, the general problems in Law. Additionally, the purpose of the course is to develop writing skills, since it is deemed fundamental in academic life and in the professional career of an attorney.
One of the essential elements in training of any professional is the consolidation of a mental structure that allows him to abstract, put forward and elaborate on arguments with clarity and precision. The first step in reaching this goal is gaining knowledge and practical tools from formal logic and Argumentation Theory (especially legal argumentation). These basic elements are offered to students in this course. Thus, the course aims at providing students with theoretical and methodological tools that allow them to abstract and develop sound and correct arguments according to the principles of classical logic and the argumentation theory. Similarly, students will familiarize themselves with strategies to identify errors in argumentation and ways to correct them. The course is developed based on active methodologies where student participation is crucial. Students will have the opportunity to prepare both oral and written arguments on specific issues, but emphasizing the development of oral expression.
Amaya Gonzalez Renata
This course places Law in a social context. To that end, it dwells on how "the law in books", (codes and laws, legal doctrine handbooks, etc.) is effectively practiced (or ignored) by citizens, attorneys, judges, civil servants and other social actors. In a nutshell, the course studies "law in action". After a brief introduction to the perspective of legal sociology, the practice of Law is placed in the specific context where we live, i.e. Colombia and Latin America.
Rodriguez Garavito Cesar
The course develops knowledge on the environmental issue from the perspective of ethics and relation of humans with their environment. Thus, students will learn about the main ethical trends in environmental thinking, in order to understand the different legal notions that have dominated legal criteria, internationally in the creation of international agreements and conventions, and nationally, in the drafting of environmental legislation in Colombia.
Riveros Gomez Catalina
Specialized agencies of the United Nations and contemporary thinkers such as Amartya Sen insist on the need to articulate strategies of fight against poverty and inequality in complying with constitutional and international obligations of states regarding human rights. Any discussion on such social issues from the perspective of human rights, far from being a rhetoric issue, requires from the states the designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public development policies that have a positive impact on the respect, protection and guarantee of human rights of the entire population, and in particular, vulnerable groups and victims of violence and discrimination. In line with this argument, the seminar dwells upon three issues: (a) It introduces a brief reflection on the nature of social rights, their scope, content and main obligations of the states in this regard, (b) It presents a conceptual framework that integrates the concepts of human needs, poverty, development, vulnerability and social exclusion with the constitutional and international obligations of the state regarding social rights, and (c) It analyzes the possibilities of integrating issues (a) and (b) in a cycle of public development policies in order promote respect, protection and guarantee of human rights.
The field of conflict resolution has boomed recently due to a greater understanding of the high cost conflicts entail for individuals and social groups or organization. The course is designed as an interactive seminar that explores the theories of causes and management of conflicts. Students learn to assess and identify the conflict and become familiarized with the different resolution techniques available, such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, facilitation and reaching consensus.
Bernal Gutierrez Rafael
The role of the lawyer and the role of the actor are strikingly similar: Their job is basically demonstrating that a certain situation is real. They both resort to their knowledge, instincts, senses, body and voice to convince an audience, to demonstrate that they hold the truth. The study of Law requires knowledge and self-control, at physical, psychic and emotional level. Bearing this in mind, relaxation, self-confidence, coordination, vocalization, enunciation and stage confidence, which are typical theatric skills, but are directly related to the training of a good lawyer. Thus, this course aims at promoting imagination to develop improvisation skills, in any situation of work and daily life, to improve speaking and body language abilities when addressing an audience, in order to convey confidence and credibility, to develop memory and improvisation skills and self-control when working with a recently-learned text, to strengthen the ability to command over a topic presented to an audience, to analyze and interpret theatrical scenes related to Law, create scenes and characters, to simulate audiences and/or trials, based on renowned cases, in short, to make theater a fundamental and representative part of the School of Law in the University.
Carvajal Carvajal Ivan
Sanchez Mojica Beatriz
The course focuses on students becoming familiarized with the fundamentals of contemporary private law. At the same time, students will: (1) understand legal techniques to analyze a legal system and its institutions, (2) be able to assess facts and identify correctly a legal problem, and design a solution based on legal rules and principles, (3) get acquainted with legal vocabulary and start expressing themselves orally and in writing, using this vocabulary correctly, and (4) understand that a major part of solutions offered by Law respond to a historical context.
This course deals with knowing and understanding the principles and institutions pertaining to the legal framework of commercial activities, traders and companies. It is intended to sensitize the students to the importance of considering the regulatory element in the business decision-making process and the consequences of disregarding such consideration. Legal aspects are also contextualized both in business administration and business execution. Finally, the course is targeted to raise awareness of the incidence and effects of regulations in business, especially for professions other than lawyers.
Pajaro Moreno Niñolas
The Constitution and Democracy course has been developed in order to respond to the University commitment of introducing and promoting the Colombian Constitution within all students. This mandatory course aims to provide fundamental knowledge of the Constitution including its fundamental principles and focuses on instructing students as critical citizens. Since the second semester of 2005 the course has been restructured around the new system of rights proposed in the Constitution of 1991, that states the importance of the integration between constitutional rights and human rights. Based on this premise the University encourages students to achieve professional excellence throughout respect of all human rights and active participation in democracy as citizens.
Contreras Pardo Nathalia
The objective of the course is to enable a historical and theoretical approach to the concept of state and all necessary elements to understand its relation with Law. In this sense, students learn the core elements, power-related tensions and the problem of legitimacy, forms of organization, its crises and hermeneutical versions. Topics covered in the course include: origin of state, sources of power, characteristics and relation between political power, state and Law, legal foundations of the state, analysis of state functions, forms and systems of government.
Duran Smela Diana
The objective of this test is to evaluate the capacity of students to understand Law in different contexts, as well as to evaluate writing and argumentation skills. Eligible to take the test are students who have passed all subjects of the first cycle. This test is divided in two sections: a) Research. On the first day, at 8 a.m., at the Academic Secretariat, students receive research topics with the respective instruction, so they can prepare to solve the problem to be presented to them two days later. b) Problem. On the third day at 8 a.m. at the Academic Secretariat, students receive the questions of the test with the respective instructions. On that same day they must hand in their essays before 4 p.m.
Gutierrez Vivas Jorge
This course aims at demonstrating the historical context and avatars that different Western legal institutions have undergone, in a way that their conformation can be understood in the light of complex cultural processes, which were formed, among other reasons, by paradigms (Jewish-Christian tradition, Anglo-Saxon tradition, etc.) and revolutions (Papal Revolution, French Revolution, Russian Revolution, etc.)
The course dwells on the contemporary debate around the following issues: (1) the definition of law understood as a community-based social practice, and (2) the designation of rules inasmuch as we realize that the work of legislators and judges are different in democratic societies. In relation to these issues, problems are discussed to determine what is just, in abstract and for concrete cases, theoretical localization and influence of highly elaborate theories in daily legal practice.
Lopez Medina Diego
This course is based on an approach to professional ethics from a situational perspective. Thus, students can face ethical dilemmas that lawyers encounter and must deal with as persons and as professionals. To that end, students learn the main theories of moral philosophy, and their relation with Law, as well as the Colombian legislation that regulates lawyers’ conduct (Law 1123 of 2007). The course also discusses daily problems in legal practice, as well as different theoretical and practical activities that allow students to understand specific social and legal problems.
Amaya Gonzalez Renata
Rengifo Gradeazabal Mauricio
The course Obligations II is the final module in the program on Obligations, in the Cycle of basic Law studies in the School of Law. The purpose is to integrate this course with the previous course, so students have a complete vision of obligations in private law. In this subject, students will complete studies on sources of obligations with an exam on civil responsibility and will analyze their effects, as well as the ways of transmitting and annulling.
Castro Ruiz Marcela
It analyzes the way all types of law are enforced. It covers General Theory of Process and Civil Procedures (lawsuit, denunciation, legal action, competence among others) as a basis for other types of legal procedures, and particular features of other special procedures. Students learn fundamental tools for procedural and practical exercise of Law during their professional career. It also introduces the issue of alternative (non-legal) conflict resolution.
The course includes the study of norms that regulate rules of evidence, their general principles, systems of evidential activity and evaluation of the test, the object, topic and content of the test, and each of the evidence procedures available in Colombian procedural legislation with the interpretation of doctrine and jurisprudence, and other norms that regulate these issues. Students learn the necessary elements to develop a case from the evidential viewpoint in professional practice.
Giacomette Ana
The purpose of the course is the following: (1) Getting students acquainted with legal regulation applicable to contracts include in the course syllabus. This implies that students will have a proper command of civil legislation and commercial legislation, and will be able to identify the basic features and problems that regulation and practice cause in each contract, (2) Identifying the economic function and the different jurisprudence and doctrinal interpretations of contracts, and (3) Drafting properly any of the types of contract included in the course syllabus.
The course has the following objectives: (1) Studying the general regime of property and other in rem rights, regarding acquisition, circulation, regulation and annulment. The command of this knowledge will allow lawyers to solve legal problems related to ownership or exercise of rights over economic and cultural resources, (2) Analyzing the sources of conflict over property of economic and cultural resources, as well as principles to provide solutions to these problems, (3) Learning the main principles of Civil Law regarding in rem rights and (4) Developing basic skills in the study of titles, legal records and conflicts over property rights.
Cañaveral Del Rio Liliana
This course includes a high percentage of procedural practice in order to identify relations between Law theory and practice, strengthening thus academic quality and skills of students, because they learn elements and techniques of legal argumentation of trial lawyers, legal consultants and civil judges, through simulation of procedures and preparation of lawsuits and concepts.
Arrazola Jaramillo Fernando
The course focuses on the study of rules, doctrine and ideological debates pertaining to the following institutions: marriage, divorce, marriage partnership, common-law marriage, parentage, parental authority, special regime of childhood and adolescence, and testamentary successions. It also discusses the problem of domestic violence against women and the structure of family guardianship to be supervised, arranged and/or substituted for the nuclear family.
Jaramillo Sierra Isabel
The course has the following objectives: (1) Analyzing the characteristics, field of action of commercial law and its relation with other areas of Law, (2) Learning and identifying the content and scope of obligations of businessmen and commercial assets, (3) Understanding and analyzing the role and importance of certain traditional and contemporary mercantile institutions and in the activity of businessmen (unfair competition, industrial property, electronic commerce and consumer protection).
This course studies Constitutional Law from a perspective that integrates constitutional theory, aspects related to the constitutional text and jurisprudence developments, especially in the Colombian Constitutional Court. This allows structuring didactic processes for the learning of principles, rules and fundamental institutions of Constitutional theory and Constitutional Law. To this end, certain core problems of constitutional law are discussed, in a way that students learn the necessary skills to deal with different issues of constitutional character. Similarly, the course encourages the integration of constitutional law with other areas of knowledge and an understanding of constitutional consequences of certain procedures, decisions or daily developments.
The purpose of this course is to teach students research elements and techniques and to integrate theoretical and practical elements (the role of constitutional justices) of legal argumentation through understanding of legal texts and their preparation or exercise (rulings and abstention of vote). Students learn legal, contextual, rhetorical skills, which allow them to identify theories and institutions that have considerably changed the role of jurisprudence in the definition of Constitutional Law, as well as the main jurisprudence guidelines in different issues.
Ceballos Bedoya Juan
This course studies the fundamental institutions of Administrative Law, the relations between the Colombian state and individuals, and the way Law answers four basic questions regarding the state: How is it organized?, How does it act?, How does it respond? And how does it control public administration?. It also studies the relation between Administrative Law and other branches of Law and among Administrative Law institutions.
In this course, students will learn skills and basic knowledge necessary to understand regulatory and real factors that influence the functioning of Congress and the legislative process in the implementation of public policies. The students, based on legal and political arguments, will be able to determine whether a bill or an act correctly articulates a "good" public policy.
Most important subjects and tensions are presented and discussed in the course from an interdisciplinary point of view, deepening on the State intervention in the economy, public income, public expense, economic planning, budget and economic regulation. It intends for the student to be a critical actor in planning and applying financial public policies.
This course offers law students general and fundamental knowledge of penal law, penal sciences, the penal code, the theory of crime and legal consequences. These issues are dwelled upon from the perspective of the legal-penal theory and the Colombian legal-penal code, allowing students to assume a critical position toward them, and to solve practical cases and problems in that regard.
The purpose of this course is familiarize students with the general structure of the new penal process (oral-adversary system) introduced with Law 906 of 2004, bearing in mind that this process constitutes the most relevant expression of the Colombian legal code in reconciling internal legislation with international treaties on human rights. Based on this knowledge, students will be able to understand different pre-procedural and procedural stages, as well as the new roles of the parties and interveners and the different modalities of early termination. This is achieved through practical simulations that will allow students develop skills in techniques of forensic practice.
Celedon Ruiz Oscar
The course strives to provide a general vision of the special part of the Colombian penal law, by studying the main modalities of criminal conducts that damage or jeopardize personal legal assets, which are closely related to the dignity of the human being. The main topics include: crimes against life, personal integrity, economic assets, people and assets protected by the IHL, freedom, among others. Thus, the course seeks to define –critically and systematically- the constitutional, political, social and economic arguments that justify the penalization of the different conducts described in the applicable Penal Code, pursuant to the principles in criminal policy that limit the "ius puniendi" of the state.
Posada Maya Ricardo
The objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive study of individual labor and collective labor relations, and social security. It includes studying the fundamental principles, institutions and legal regulations, mainly in Individual Labor Law, in a manner that students are able to understand them and articulate them coherently and from a coordinated perspective in the relation between Labor Law and other areas of Law and other disciplines. The course introduces fundamental concepts and institutions of Collective Labor Law and Social Security, which can be further studied in two courses in the area of concentration (Social Security and Collective Labor Law).
Mu?Oz Segura Ana
This is the first compulsory course in the area of international course. The course will introduce a general vision of international law. As an introductory course, it will allow students gain sufficient knowledge to participate actively in other, more specialized courses on international law and international competitions. Section 1 will be in English, including all lectures. Students must preferably participate in class in English and write their papers and exams in English, but an exception will be made for those who prefer to do it in Spanish. This section is highly recommended to those who wish to participate in the Philip Jessup international competition.
The purpose of this course is to study the current theoretical principles of contemporary Law and their cultural precepts in order to understand more clearly the dynamics of change in legal systems in our days, and the obstacles in the harmonization of law, the transformation processes in imported legal institutions and trends of convergence and divergence of legal institutions in today’s world. Through examples from public and private law, students will be able at the end of the course to understand the main difficulties that the exercise of comparative law entails, and to incorporate a socio-legal perspective in their analysis of public and private law, especially when using a comparative method.
Cajas Sarria Mario
The second part is: Problem with oral argumentation. It consists on solution and argumentation of a case with different legal institutions. In the oral part, knowledge of basic legal roles is evaluated. The School provides a case that can focus on one specific area of Law. Students have fifteen calendar days to analyze it, and at the end of the period, they must hand in their analysis outline including identification of the legal problem and the argumentation scheme of two different positions on the issue, plus the decision of a third party (judge), with reference to applicable legal sources. Finally, a special session is organized for students to support their answer. Students must play any of the roles analyzed in a court context composed of a group of professors of this School.
Gutierrez Vivas Jorge
The general objectives of the course are to strengthen critical reading skills of students and learn the debate on interpretation of texts in legal practice. To this end, students analyze 19th-century canonical authors, focusing on exegesis theories and history of law.
Peñafan Betsy
The main objectives of the course are the following: (1) Learning the legal regime of partnerships in Colombian Commercial Law, (2) Familiarizing students with the main institutions of contemporary Corporate Law, through a practical approach that allows them to solve problems pertaining to incorporation, functioning and annulment of partnerships, (3) Analyzing questions about contemporary corporate techniques that are of major importance in the current system of Commercial Law, (4) Studying some important approaches of comparative law that have influenced Colombian legislation.
The purpose of this course is to explain and analyze the interpretation of legal regulations of Securities in Colombia. It includes the fundamental principles of exchange rate, the different modalities of Securities and their inherent procedures. It also examines the contemporary trends, such as digitalization of Securities and it reviews Comparative Law in this regard. Students must learn basic knowledge on the regulations of Securities and develop skills for their interpretation and application, which are indispensable for a correct professional practice.
Cuberos Gomez Gustavo
The course has the following objectives: (1) Analyzing the legal regulation applicable to financial contracts included in the course syllabus. This means that students must be able to identify essential characteristics, regime and main problems that regulation and practice cause in each analyzed contract, (2) Identifying the economic function and main jurisprudence and doctrinal trends on analyzed contracts, (3) Developing basic skills to identify and solve legal problems related to the types of contracts included in the syllabus and (4) Learning the basic features of the capital market and the general structure of the Colombian financial system, authorities of regulation, supervision and support, and the different types of institutions in the sector.
Prado Cesar
The objective of the course is to study the principles, institutions and particular features necessary to analyze the legal resolution of conflicts related to executory, declaratory and settlement procedures. It analyzes case studies and develops workshops that allow students to learn through practice.
Bejarano Guzman Ramiro
The demise of the natural person generates a series of legal consequences of tremendous importance. Thus, and as corollary of the recognition of the right to private property set forth in the Political Constitution, the legislature institutes the right to succeed the originator in all his assets, determining the elements of all succession, identifying the basic concepts of heritage, indicating the rules to distribute the heritage, distinguishing the forced allotment as restrictions from the right to testate, and identifying the different types of wills and rules that regulate them.
The main objective in this course, in its version of restrictive practices, is that students learn the economic concepts upon which its rules are based. Similarly, students will understand corporate behaviors from the perspective of their repercussions for the entrepreneur and the market. Therefore, developing the skills to analyze corporate behaviors from a microeconomic viewpoint (basic level) is the main purpose of this part of the course. The second objective of this section is that students understand the origin and historical evolution of the antitrust legislation, especially in the United States, because this is the basis for many competition regulations in today’s world, and particularly in Colombia.
Sanabria Gomez Arturo
The purpose of the course is for students to: (1) understand from the legal and practical viewpoint the operation of the Colombian stock market, the negotiation instruments and mechanisms in said market, its brokers and the powers of intervention of the state, (2) learn about the main aspects of stock market regulation in comparative law, (3) Analyze situations and operations in the stock market that enable students to become familiarized with the Colombian reality on this matter.
Pinzon Londoño Juan
During the course, students will learn and analyze national and international regulation of the main institutions Industrial Property. Additionally, they will study the main aspects of patents, their distinctive features and corporate secrets by studying real cases, in order to learn the daily dynamics of this concept. Finally, they will study sanctions applied in case of infringement of industrial property rights and their relation with unfair competition.
Morales De Setien Ravina Carlos
Ortega Diaz Juan
Ortega Diaz Juan
The course teaches students the different aspects of the Responsibility of the State. It includes an overview of Contractual and y Extra-contractual Responsibility of the state. It identifies and analyzes the different theories adopted by the Council of State and Administrative Courts as part of the constant evolution of this concept. Additionally, students will learn the associated elements set forth in the 1991 Constitution.
Quintero Navas Gustavo
The course teaches students the administrative procedures, both in administrative and jurisdictional courts. At the end of the course, students must understand that administrative procedure is a guarantee for citizens before the exorbitant powers of the state. Similarly, students learn the necessary tools to take action to the administrative authorities and administrative jurisdiction.
De Vivero Arciniegas Felipe
The objective of the course is to provide students with a complete overview of the principles and institutions of state contracting. Additionally, they study the legal and jurisprudence framework regulating the different types of contracts between the state institutions with a comparative method.
Mier Barros Patricia
The course will provide the students with the practical and theoretical tools to study and understand Colombian fiscal law as well as initial knowledge of international fiscal law. It begins with the general fiscal theory where the concept, sources and contents of fiscal law are taking on board as well as the fiscal legal classification, fiscal obligations and its elements, fiscal hermeneutics and the efficiency of fiscal standards in time and space. Further on, fiscal constitutional and legal substantial elements will be analyzed, focused on the totality of national tax analysis and on those more important for territorial order. Likewise the student is introduced to international and supranational fiscal law, tax procedures and alternative mechanisms for fiscal controversy solutions.
The purpose is to provide students with instruments to analyze the environmental issue, which requires a multidisciplinary approach, due to the complex interactions and factors involved. Students learn the processes of regulations of prevention and control, as well as participation and consultation mechanisms, among other processes. Similarly, since several environmental obligations arise from multilateral instruments, the course offers an introduction to International Environmental Law.
Salazar Federica
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to legal problems derived from the interaction of the corporate and environmental activity. This is to analyze environmental regulations that affect or alter the traditional vision of private law and of private negotiation. The purpose of this course is to help students understand, from a legal standpoint, that the environmental framework implies restrictions and opportunities for the private sector.
Salazar Federica
Angel Cabo Natalia
This advanced study of the principles of penal law aims not only at understanding the concepts and regulatory fundamentals, but also its practical implications for penal systems. In other words, it implies awareness that these principles of penal law are not merely rhetorical statements without content, but fundamental postulates that must guide the settlement of all penal cases and problems. This is the practical dimension of the principles of penal law, which must be highlighted in order to promote a fairer, more humanitarian application of penal law, which must the fundamental objective of the legal-penal dogma.
Posada Maya Ricardo
The purpose of the criminology course is to introduce students to the complex and fascinating world of deviation phenomena explanation (socially disapproved behaviors). By reviewing the different streams of the anthropologic, psychological, sociologic and political thoughts, we may explain how people have tried to explain the causes that lead to the concept of committing a crime
Hartmann Arboleda Mildred
As a complementary subject of the course on Labor Relations, the course on Social Security focuses on the specific and comprehensive study of the different issues involved in this area. Thus, after a general introduction to the Colombian Social Security system, the following general issues are analyzed: (I) General System of Pensions, (II) Social Security System of Health, (III) General System of Professional Risks, (IV) system of family benefits, and (V) unemployment insurance. Additionally, the course includes a general outlook of the mechanisms of protection and effectiveness to demand respect to existing rights.
Mu?Oz Segura Ana
Mu?Oz Segura Ana
This is the second compulsory course in the area of international law. The pre-requisite is having taken. The course is an introduction to the main topics of Economic International Law: the importance of trade and the World Trade Organization in times of globalization, multilateral financial institutions and their role in regulating the current world economy, and especially the role of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and the importance of foreign investment and its legal regulation in the economic growth of developing countries, and as part of this topic, the relevance of the phenomenon of growth of multinationals. Students receive a basic introduction to international economy in order to understand these topics. At the end of the course, students will be familiarized with issues such as the international economics system, the main international economic institutions as well as their actors, and specific issues such as international finances, international trade, and international disputes and arbitration processes.
Villamizar Parra Miguel
The course has the following objectives: (1) Understanding from a legal and practical viewpoint how arbitration works, (2) Learning the main aspects of regulation of national and international arbitration, and 3) Analyzing real-life cases that allow students to become familiarized with the subject. The main topics of the course include: Arbitration as alternative mechanism for settlement of controversies, classification of arbitration, national and international arbitration, arbitration award, arbitration procedure and appointment of arbitrators, Independence and impartiality, limitations to competition, lex arbitri, hearings, applicable law, arbitration award (concept, resources, recognition and execution).
In order to promote education on legal topics pertaining to human rights promotion and protection around the globe, this contest is based on the Inter-American Human Rights System and is developed based on a hypothetical case. Attendees must prepare and present a written memorial, stating and substantiating their positions. Then, they must debate these positions verbally, before a panel of judges, and must compare it with the memorial presented by the other team. Verbal arguments are presented, every year, in the city of Washington, D.C. usually in May.
Duque Vallejo Ana
Jessup Moot Court simulates a judicial process on international responsibility between two fictitious States, as if it were held at the International Court of Justice of The Hague, the main judicial entity of the United Nations Organization. The simulated court demands the presentation of two contradictory arguments, one for the complainant State and another for the respondent State. The course will focus on the investigation of one case, the drafting of memorials and the verbal argumentation in "mini-moots" this will be made frequently to benefit from the cooperation of former Jessup participants who will act as juries and co-trainers. In December, a final team of four persons will be selected, which will further compete in the national elimination sessions to be awarded with the national representation to participate in the contest in Washington. This contest considers both the written memorial and the verbal argumentation.
Urue?A Hernandez Rene
The Inter-American Moot Court Human Rights Competition was founded in 1996 by the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law of the Washington College of Law at American University. The best results from Uniandes delegations have been: 1999 first place, 2004 and 2006 second place. The details about the organization and rules of the competition are available on the official website:
The Philip Jessup International Moot Court Competition was founded in 1960 at Harvard Law School. It is currently organized by the International Law Students Association (ILSA). Each year over 500 schools from 90 countries participate. The competition requires an excellent command of oral (regardless of accent) and written English. The best results from Uniandes delegations have been: 1998 winning memorial, 1997 fourth place, 1999 quarterfinalists, 2000 semifinalists, 2002 second place for a Latin American team. For further information on the competition and its functioning, visit the official website:
The objective of the course is to study the principles, concepts and fundamental rules of international commercial law that would allow students to understand and develop certain basic operations taking place every day in the world of international businesses. The main topics include: Introduction to international commercial law, Sources of International Commercial Law, Principles of international commercial contracts, International purchase of merchandise, Incoterms and documentary credit.
EMC2 is an international competition that covers the conflict resolution method presented to the World Trade Organization (WTO), founded by the European Law Students´ Association in 2002. Since 2005, the competition started to include Latin American countries and designated COLADIC as its representative in the region. EMC2 includes two rounds: one verbal Latin American round, where all participating teams must prepared memorial for both the claimant and the respondent in the case presented, and a Final Verbal round, which will be held in the center of the WTO in Genève, Switzerland. Each team must be comprised of at least two (2) and maximum four (4) members, who must be undergraduate or master´s students. The last EMC2 contests have addressed issues such as the controversies generated among economic powers and developing countries due to the enforcement of limits on the imports of fishing products, the subsidies to agricultural industries or the access to patented medications.
Moya Hoyos Juan
It is an international commercial law competition, focusing on the simulation of a dispute between two WTO member states over issues related to multilateral agreements that the states have adopted as a consequence of the Marrakech Agreement. Preparation is made through a course on settlement of controversies at the WTO, open to all students, and after the delegations selected for that semester (second semester), selected students must register their material for the next semester, when they compete in the regional round and -if they pass- in the international round that will take place in Geneva, Switzerland. The competition is organized by the European Law Students Association (ELSA).
Moya Hoyos Juan
Nieto Carrazco Jimena
Villamizar Parra Miguel
Ramelli Arteaga Alejandro
Schleifer Rebecca
The main objectives of the course are: (1) Analyzing weaknesses and advantages of the communications protocol under which internet works: TCP/IP, (2) Introducing and analyzing the main disadvantages or risks in internet security, (3) Studying behaviors and acts of computer intruders: hackers, crackers, (3) Establishing evaluation criteria for acts related to Computer Crime. (4) Analyzing and introducing current laws or regulations (at the international level) about internet-related crimes and their enforcement in Colombia, (5) Learning conceptual basis of a proper computer security environment and its possible implications on today’s organizations, and (6) Identifying and handling digital evidence and security breach incidents.
The following are the objectives of this course: (1) Introduce student to the analysis of the basic fundamentals of telecommunications law in Colombia and the telecommunications services, (2) study the regulation and de-regulation process, the characteristics of the telecommunications services, their legal and technical fundamentals and enforcement, and to understand the role of the regulators, the burdens enforced by the carrier regulation and the right granted, in turn, to users. This, taking into account the technology environment and the importance of telecommunications in the development of the country, and (3) provide students the tools they need to understand the local, regional and world environment of telecommunications, in the light of the globalization trends and the convergence of telecommunications services.
Villegas Carrasquilla Lorenzo
This course provides students the opportunity to conduct a practical exercise on general and procedural aspects, according to their area (civil, labor, penal, administrative and constitutional) of specialization. Students learn the necessary skills to practice professionally in cases they are entrusted, and to provide service to persons with limited budgets. This course also includes a subject on Labor Procedural Law.
Cruz Tejada Horacio
This is the continuation of Legal Practice I, where students continue the practical exercise in general aspects of procedure, according to their specialization (civil, labor, penal, administrative and constitutional).
Cruz Tejada Horacio
These subjects are associated with the Professional Practice Program, attached to the Student Deanship and managed by the Center for Professional Careers (CTP). It aims at complementing the preparation of students based on an outside-the-classroom experience, through the participation in the dynamics of companies and institutions. Students can access this program through the offers published by the CTP or it can be secured by students themselves. During the internship, students will be enrolled in a monitoring program administered by the CTP, where academic coordinators and internship tutors participate actively. During monitoring, students are offered useful tools for their professional career, and the University has the opportunity to evaluate their academic programs.
Gutierrez Vivas Jorge
These subjects are associated with the Professional Practice Program, attached to the Student Deanship and managed by the Center for Professional Careers (CTP). It aims at complementing the preparation of students based on an outside-the-classroom experience, through the participation in the dynamics of companies and institutions. Students can access this program through the offers published by the CTP or it can be secured by students themselves. During the internship, students will be enrolled in a monitoring program administered by the CTP, where academic coordinators and internship tutors participate actively. During monitoring, students are offered useful tools for their professional career, and the University has the opportunity to evaluate their academic programs.
The exam of cycle III constitutes an evaluation of analytical and argumentative skills of students, based on the solution of a complex case, involving interdisciplinary elements, open-texture rules, jurisprudence controversies, weight of evidence, opposed principles and border issues, in order to apply writing and research skills.
Gutierrez Vivas Jorge
This is one of the pre-requisites to obtain a law degree, pursuant to decrees 3200 of 1979 and 1221 of 1991. Approving this course implies that the student is able to research a topic of interest and produce a document to present the results. The phases are: define a concrete and delimited research topic, locate different relevant sources, collect and process information, and present it a clear, concise and coherent manner. The School of Law has organized a directed research activity in different modalities, where students can choose topics and projects of interest to fulfill this graduation requirement.
The research seminar is a short course with the objective of strengthening research skills of students, so they can present a research paper with a high academic quality. The Seminar helps students define the question they will develop in their graduation projects.
Amaya Gonzalez Renata
The exam consists of the solution of a complex legal problem, presented through a real case file. The School exam is divided in two parts. Written part. (legal concept of a file or a legal case). The School presents a file or a file or a legal case focusing on certain areas of Law. Students have five (5) weeks to analyze it. On the date and at the time established by the School, students will prepare, in the room defined by the school and under 6 hours, a legal concept based on one or more questions presented during the day. The legal concept must include, as least, the relevant facts, the identification of legal problems, legal considerations that include different positions on the problems, and specification of applicable legal sources. Oral part. The second part consists of the oral defense of the legal concept before a moot court composed of 3 tenured or part time professors of the School. The defense shall be: (i) public, (ii) formal, and (iii) shall take place in the hearings room of the School. In the oral part, the student must demonstrate command of the legal concepts and their application in the Colombian legal system. Regardless of the specific question answered during the written part, the court can ask about any aspect of the relevant legal problem and any of the lines of research the student was assigned to solve the case. The absence of relevant knowledge and supported by any basic legal concept present in the case shall entail the failure of the oral exam, as long as the court concurs.
Gutierrez Vivas Jorge
Fernandez De Soto Londoño Andres
Rico Gutierrez De Pi?Eres Laura
Parra Fonseca Andrea
Amaya Gonzalez Renata
Gutierrez Vivas Jorge