Administration Master’s Degree (Full-Time)

Degree Master of Administration
Level Magister
Duration 15 months - 4 Cycles
Dedication Exclusive
Number of credits 59
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1575
National Accreditation Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 25 de junio de 2008, 7 years
International Accreditation *2003: EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System); 2004: AMBA (Association of MBAs); 2010: AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).


Student Profile

MBA students in the School of Management are people with remarkable intellectual and academic skills, professionally experienced, and endowed with potential to lead competitive, innovative organizations that are committed to the country's development.

In particular the candidates to the Full-Time MBA program are professionals with at least two-year (2) professional experience, seeking to develop a successful management career and to become business leaders, through a rigorous academic education and the opportunity to share multiple experiences and insights.

A special trait of the Full-Time MBA Program students is the diversity of their disciplines and experiences, which enriches out-of-class and in-class learning dynamics.

Over the last years, nearly 20% of Full-Time MBA Program students corresponds to foreigners from Germany, Australia, Bolivia, Ecuador, United States, Panama, Peru, Switzerland, Uruguay and Venezuela, among others. The International Students Support Office guides them through the academic program planning and monitor their subsequent displacement, moving and stay in Bogota. Likewise, the Student' Deanship Office of the Universidad de los Andes offers support services in health, entertainment, sports and professional and personal counselling.


The Master in Business Administration is a formal program intended to develop direction skills and competences in its students. The program design responds to the need to prepare professionals with a critical and analytical open-min in agreement with the local business reality within a global context. The MBA allows the students to:

  • Learn basic and fundamental knowledge in all the functional areas of an organization, absorbing and internalizing knowledge so as to put it into practice later in real cases and projects.
  • Develop business decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  • Know and strengthen the use of quantitative methods, applications and tools to plan and solve management and administrative issues.
  • Raise awareness about the existence and importance of the international dimension in the life of the organizations and society in general.
  • Acquire individual and continuous learning discipline.
  • Develop and consolidate interpersonal behavioral dynamics, teamwork, negotiation and effective communication.
  • Be aware of the ethical and social implications of their decisions.

Study Plan

The MBA program has been conceived as an inter-related set of basic administration knowledge and tools so that students develop a dynamic thinking structure and skills that enable their identifying and solving management and administration issues.

admin master study plan

Model Program

First Semester - 16 Weeks

MADM-4001Fundamentos de Gerencia


MADM-4005Análisis Estadístico Y Toma De Decisiones


MADM-4250Contabilidad Y Planeación Financiera


MADM-4251Economía Gerencial


MADM-4100Empresariado en Colombia


MADM-4051Taller de Liderazgo y Habilidades Gerenciales


MADM-4153Desarrollo Sostenible


MADM-4903Taller de Comunicación


MADM-4053Taller de Creatividad


MADM-4152Coyuntura Social. Política Y Económica


MADM-4103Aspectos Legales en los Negocios


Total Credit Hours:20

Second Semester - 16 Weeks



MADM-4303Gerencia de Mercadeo


MADM-4206Gerencia Financiera


MADM-4450Gerencia de Logística


MADM-4151Emprendimiento e Innovación


MADM-4052Taller de Negocios y Equipos Efectivos


MADM-4154El Líder. Su Ética y Responsabilidad


Total Credit Hours:20

Third Semester - 8 Weeks

MADM-4211Mercado de Capitales


MADM-4355Mercadeo Estratégico


MADM-XXX1Elective I


MADM-4907Taller de Desarrollo de Carrera


MADM-4701Negocios Internacionales




Total Credit Hours:10

Fourth Semester - 8 Weeks

MADM-4551Juego Gerencial




MADM-4904Proyecto de Grado


Total Credit Hours:9

Alumni Profile

The alumae of Universidad de los Andes are characterized by great leadership and active involvement in developing and transforming their operational milieu. The Master in Business Administration, in its different modalities, has graduated over 1500 professionals. As some alumnae project themeselves within their own business, others contribute to the development and transformation of various public, private, non-profit national organizations or large multinational companies. Many of them are holding the most prominent positions in market-leading companies.
