IBIO-2099 Quantitative Physiology for Biomedical Engineering I

This course provides basic knowledge of human physiology, emphasizing mechanisms of regulation, control, and homeostasis, as well as the physiological characteristics and main pathophysiologies in the main systems of the human body. Throughout the course, the basic concepts regarding cellular physiology and the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems will be covered. Each module studies fundamental aspects of each system through a theoretical approach, involving the use of engineering tools such as modeling and simulation. These class sessions will be followed by a laboratory session focused on the anatomy and basic physical principles related to the given system's physiological functions. In this course, students are expected to be able to follow the theoretical sessions after reading the assigned lectures.





IBIO-2099L Quantitative Physiology for Biomedical Engineering I

This course provides basic knowledge of human physiology, emphasizing mechanisms of regulation, control, and homeostasis, as well as the physiological characteristics and main pathophysiologies in the main systems of the human body. Throughout the course, the basic concepts regarding cellular physiology and the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems will be covered. Each module studies fundamental aspects of each system through a theoretical approach, involving the use of engineering tools such as modeling and simulation. These class sessions will be followed by a laboratory session focused on the anatomy and basic physical principles related to the given system's physiological functions. In this course, students are expected to be able to follow the theoretical sessions after reading the assigned lectures.

IBIO-2100 Fisiología Cuantitativa Para Ingeniería Biomédica





IBIO-2101 Laboratorio Fisiología Cuantitativa Para Ingeniería Biomédica





IBIO-2102 Quantitative Physiology for Biomedical Engineering II

This course provides students with basic knowledge on human physiology, taking into account mechanisms of regulation and homeostasis, as well as the physiological and pathophysiological characteristics of each of the body’s main organ systems. It is divided into two parts covering different organ systems: Quantitative Physiology I covers cellular physiology and the nervous, muscular, and endocrine systems, while Quantitative Physiology II includes the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, and digestive systems. Each module begins with an overview of the particular system’s anatomy, followed by a discussion of the basic physical processes related to physiological function, allowing students to acquire abilities for the quantification of different physiological processes. Students will be able to apply and reinforce this theoretical knowledge in the laboratory and complementary class sessions. This course is mandatory for the Biomedical Engineering program.





IBIO-2102L Quantitative Physiology for Biomedical Engineering II

This course provides students with basic knowledge on human physiology, taking into account mechanisms of regulation and homeostasis, as well as the physiological and pathophysiological characteristics of each of the body’s main organ systems. It is divided into two parts covering different organ systems: Quantitative Physiology I covers cellular physiology and the nervous, muscular, and endocrine systems, while Quantitative Physiology II includes the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, and digestive systems. Each module begins with an overview of the particular system’s anatomy, followed by a discussion of the basic physical processes related to physiological function, allowing students to acquire abilities for the quantification of different physiological processes. Students will be able to apply and reinforce this theoretical knowledge in the laboratory and complementary class sessions. This course is mandatory for the Biomedical Engineering program.



IBIO-2240 Scientific Programming

The course provides the students the basic programming tools and numerical methods for the solution of different problems in biomedical engineering. It presents first the basic concepts of some computational tools (focused on MATLAB), followed by the study and computational implementation of some of the most common numerical methods employed in the analysis in engineering contexts.





IBIO-2241 Scientific Programming Lab

The course provides the students the basic programming tools and numerical methods for the solution of different problems in biomedical engineering. It presents first the basic concepts of some computational tools (focused on MATLAB), followed by the study and computational implementation of some of the most common numerical methods employed in the analysis in engineering contexts.





IBIO-2250 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems

Heat, mass and momentum transport processes are encountered in numerous biological problems and show considerable physical and mathematical similarities among them. A fundamental understanding of the conservation principles and constitutive laws that govern such processes is crucial for analyzing and addressing current and novel medical devices and treatments. During the course of the term, various topics of biomedical relevance will be covered including the transport of species at the cellular and physiological level, the transport characteristics of membranes, the rheology of blood, alveoli oxygen transport and the kinetics of chemical reactions.





IBIO-2251 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems Lab

Heat, mass and momentum transport processes are encountered in numerous biological problems and show considerable physical and mathematical similarities among them. A fundamental understanding of the conservation principles and constitutive laws that govern such processes is crucial for analyzing and addressing current and novel medical devices and treatments. During the course of the term, various topics of biomedical relevance will be covered including the transport of species at the cellular and physiological level, the transport characteristics of membranes, the rheology of blood, alveoli oxygen transport and the kinetics of chemical reactions.





IBIO-2260 Modelado y Simulación de Sistemas Biomédicos





IBIO-2261 Laboratorio Modelado y Simulac





IBIO-2560 Procesamiento Señales e Instrumentación Biomédica





IBIO-2561 Laboratorio Procesamiento Señales e Instrumentación Biomédica





IBIO-2570 Proyecto Intermedio - Ideas de Negocio





IBIO-2650 Biomaterials

Biomaterials are synthetic or natural materials used either to increase or permanently replace a tissue or for applications requiring a relatively short time. A wide range of materials are employed in the construction of biomedical devices such as artificial blood vessels, heart valves, cosmetic implants, orthopedic joints, dental fillings, intravenous catheters and vehicles for the controlled delivery of drugs. This course shows the basic biological systems that govern the use of biomaterials and the
range of materials currently used in biomedical applications.





IBIO-2651 Biomaterials Lab

Biomaterials are synthetic or natural materials used either to increase or permanently replace a tissue or for applications requiring a relatively short time. A wide range of materials are employed in the construction of biomedical devices such as artificial blood vessels, heart valves, cosmetic implants, orthopedic joints, dental fillings, intravenous catheters and vehicles for the controlled delivery of drugs. This course shows the basic biological systems that govern the use of biomaterials and the range of materials currently used in biomedical applications.





IBIO-2780 Proyecto de Diseño 1



