ICYA-1101 Introduction to Environmental Problems

The objective of the course is to develop in the students an environmental ethics based on biological, social and economic characteristics of the Colombian society. Simultaneously, the following topics are offered: history of life on Earth, environmental catastrophes, environmental impacts of human activity, public health, and water pollution.





ICYA-1101A Introduction to Environmental Problems

The objective of the course is to develop in the students an environmental ethics based on biological, social and economical characteristics of the Colombian society. Simultaneously, the following topics are offered: history of life on Earth, environmental catastrophes, environmental impacts of human activity, public health, and water pollution.




Barrera Tapias Sergio

ICYA-1110 Química Ambiental

This class is an introduction to the basic concepts of chemistry in environmental systems. It seeks to apply these concepts to the pollution problems or environmental degradation in water, air and soils.





- ICYA-1110C

ICYA-1110L Environmental Chemistry Lab

This class is an introduction to the basic concepts of chemistry in environmental systems. It seeks to apply these concepts to the pollution problems or environmental degradation in water, air and soils.



ICYA-1111B Water and the Environment

How did the ancient civilizations obtain water for their personal needs, irrigation and navigation? Which techniques did they use to build these projects to fruitfully use hydrological resources? What were the beginnings of hydroelectricity? To answer these and other questions, this course provides the students with a framework of reference about the physical natural processes associated to water. Additionally, identifies and analyzes the different processes and technological systems to successfully use and control water and its impact on the environment. Finally, it makes reference to the legal and institutional framework in Colombia and brings forward questions about the future of hydrological resources, It is a multidisciplinary study that allows students from different majors and postgraduate courses to have access to current issues related to quantity and quality of water in the world and specifically in Colombia.





ICYA-1113 Introduction to Environmental Engineering

This course presents the student with a general view of the most important areas of Environmental Engineering, as well as current environmental problems and their impact on society. This course provides an introduction to the problems associated to water, air and soil; the alternatives to mitigate or remediate possible impacts and prevent environmental quality deterioration. Environmental Engineering basic concepts are presented, including principles and applications in engineering to the quality control and pollution of water, solid waste management and air quality control. The central axis of this course is the development of a project which seeks to develop basic engineering and research abilities of freshmen.





ICYA-1113C Introduction to Environmental Engineering

This course presents the student with a general view of the most important areas of Environmental Engineering, as well as current environmental problems and their impact on society. This course provides an introduction to the problems associated to water, air and soil; the alternatives to mitigate or remediate possible impacts and prevent environmental quality deterioration. Environmental Engineering basic concepts are presented, including principles and applications in engineering to the quality control and pollution of water, solid waste management and air quality control. The central axis of this course is the development of a project which seeks to develop basic engineering and research abilities of freshmen.



ICYA-1114 Introducción a la Ingeniería Civil

The objective of the course is to approach the students to the meaning of their profession, the fields of application of the career, the education provided by the university and the job opportunities spectrum a civil engineer graduated from Universidad de Los Andes have. After completing this course the student will be able to work in teams, identify and recognize the fields of application of civil engineering in a national and international context, and the relationship of this engineering with others and the ethical and professional responsibility that he or she should have with the country.





ICYA-1114C Introduction to Civil Engineering

The objective of the course is to introduce the students to the meaning of their profession, the subject's fields of application, the education provided by the university, and spectrum of job opportunities open to a civil engineer graduated from Universidad de Los Andes. After completing this course, the student will be able to work in teams, identify and recognize the fields of application for civil engineering in a national and international context, explain the relationship of this engineering with others, and understand the ethical and professional responsibility that he or she should have with the country.



ICYA-1116 Statics

The Static studies the statics of non-deformable bodies. It studies the conditions for which solid bodies (buildings, bridges, dams, cantilevers, trusses, etc) keep their equilibrium position under applied forces. The objective of the course is to introduce the student to the basic principles of solid bodies’ mechanics and its application in the solution of engineering problems. By the end of the course the student must be able to face individually any problem involving the statics of solid bodies to solve it in an efficient, logical and consistent manner. The course seeks to develop the abilities for the solution of basic rigid body problems. Furthermore, through different activities, is expected that the students develop analysis, communication, critical thinking and teamwork abilities.





ICYA-1116C Complementary Statics



ICYA-1116L Statics Lab

ICYA-1117 Mechanics of Materials

The course objective is to develop in students the ability to analyze a mechanical problem in a simple and logical form, using in their solution the fundamental principles of mechanics of materials. It first and foremost seeks to familiarize students with the concepts of stress and strain and their main applications. The topics included are: introduction to the mechanics of materials, transformation of stress and strain, axial load-normal forces, torque load – stress shear, bending load - , normal stress, shear -shear forces loading, beams and columns.






Correal Daza Juan

ICYA-1117C Mechanics of Materials

The course objective is to develop in students the ability to analyze a mechanical problem in a simple and logical form, using, in their solution, the fundamental principles of the mechanics of materials. It first and foremost seeks to familiarize students with the concepts of stress and strain and their main applications.



-1117L Mechanics of Materials Lab

The course objective is to develop in students the ability to analyze a mechanical problem in a simple and logical form, using, in their solution, the fundamental principles of the mechanics of materials. It first and foremost seeks to familiarize students with the concepts of stress and strain and their main applications.



ICYA-1120 Topography

The course objective is to provide students with theoretical and practical elements necessary to make use of the surveying in engineering projects. The topics included are: measuring tape, angles and directions, surveying sites, survey of land with tape only, topographical drawing, areas calculation, the compass and their applications, introduction to the elevation, different types of levels, simple and compound direct leveling, leveling lines - profiles , leveling of land - contours, leveling networks, surveying with transit and tape, tachometry, triangulations and trilateral, subtense bar, earthworks, basic knowledge of plot, basic knowledge of photogrammetry, electronic measurement of distances.



ICYA-1122 Materials in Civil Engineering

Introduction to materials science, with emphasis on inspection and testing of the materials most commonly employed in civil engineering. In the class sessions, the course studies in detail the mechanical properties and the production processes (or treatment) of structural steel, hydraulic concrete, masonry, wood, and plastics. The course is accompanied by laboratory tests used in civil engineering and its relationship to the analysis of the material mechanical behavior. Topics being discussed include: cementitious materials, portland cement, concrete water content, aggregates in concrete, properties of fresh and hardened concrete, concrete mix design, ferrous materials, wood, and plastics.






Ramirez Rodriguez Fernando

ICYA-1122L Materials in Civil Engineering Lab

Introduction to materials science, with an emphasis on inspection and testing of the materials most commonly employed in civil engineering. In the class sessions, the course takes a detailed look at the mechanical properties and the production processes (or treatment) of structural steel, hydraulic concrete, masonry, wood, asphaltic materials and plastics. The course is accompanied by laboratory tests used in civil engineering and their relationship to the analysis of the mechanical behavior of materials. Topics being discussed include: cementitious materials, Portland cement, concrete water content, aggregates in concrete, properties of fresh and hardened concrete, concrete mix design, ferrous materials, wood, and plastics.



ICYA-1125 Geomatics

At the end of the course, the student will understand and will be able to apply all the principles of the measurement of land and spatial analysis techniques. In addition, it is expected that the student will develop an individual approach and use that as the best tool for data gathering, analysis and presentation. The final purpose of this is to understand the land administration system in order to make decisions based on a technical, legal and professional framework.





ICYA-1125L Geomatics Lab

At the end of the course, the student will understand and will be able to apply all the principles of the measurement of land and spatial analysis techniques. In addition, it is expected that the student will develop an individual approach and use that as the best tool for data gathering, analysis and presentation. The final purpose of this is to understand the land administration system in order to make decisions based on a technical, legal and professional framework.



- ICYA-1129B

ICYA-1200A Human History of Large Projects

Large construction projects constitute one of the most important forms of expression in history. Critical to their creation and development are the configuration and adjustment of means for adapting them to different contexts, which makes them significant for different disciplines. This course is the result of work and courses in the areas of history and theory of architecture, urban infrastructure, settlement processes and urban evolution, construction, and the history of construction techniques. The discussion of the evolution of construction will support the formation of an interdisciplinary context that will develop an interrelation between thinking and technique over time and across space.










ICYA-1600B Ciudades Colombianas: Contaminación y Calidad de Vida




Behrentz Eduardo

ICYA-1700B ICYA-1700B

