Law: Public Management and Administrative Institutions Specialization

Degree Specialist in Public Management and Administrative Institutions
Level Specialization
Duration One (1) year
Number of credits 18
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1561

Aimed at:

This program is aimed at lawyers and professionals from distinct disciplines, who due to their work relationship with different public entities, have under their responsibility state administrative decisions or who due to their positions in the private sector must carry out proceedings, petitions or claims before the Administration.

This Specialization has also been designed for advisors and studious of Public Law.


  • Offer a broad vision of the state organization using current legal, political, administrative and economic perspectives
  • Present state action mechanisms and its controls, as well as a critique about valid regulations.
  • Develop in students, critical skills through an analysis of the most important case law in each studied aspect.
  • Knowledge update and insight of participants in the country´s case law-institutional discipline.
  • Present a management and public administration vision within the new Colombian institutional framework.
  • Develop negotiation skills before conflict resolution as a public management tool.

Model Program

The Specialization in Public Management and Administrative Institutions is aimed at the generation of a broad knowledge of the Colombian state, its organizational and legal structure, its levels, competencies, action mechanisms and controls. From a legal approach, it seeks to establish new instruments that enable the development of public service and a State administration within the modern concept of efficiency. All of the topics are addressed from a suitable public management perspective.

First Semester

GPUB-5601Introduction Module


GPUB-5602Political and Constitutional Law


GPUB-5603Economics Law


Total Credit Hours:7

Second Semester

GPUB-5607Control of Public Management


GPUB-5604Actividad Administrativa


GPUB-5605Responsabilidad del Estado


GPUB-5608Public Management and Negotiation


Total Credit Hours:11


Alumni Profile

Professional having an interdisciplinary formation and practice in public management, bearing in mind, citizenship service and attainment of State´s Objectives within the framework of legal principles.

Will be a professional having a critical capacity to manage legal tools inherent to public service in a Social State based on the rule of law, to apply them inside a public entity where he works at or at a private entity where he has to carry out proceedings, petitions or claims before the State.
