CIDE-5303 Civil Society and Social Movements

Students will be able to: Identify and learn about the different theories and ideas that contribute to the concept of civil society and understand its historical and contemporary evolution, understand the way the evolution of civil society has been affected and shaped by globalization, by anti-political and anti-system struggles, by civil resistance to authoritarian governments, by ethnical and cultural demands, by movements in favor of strengthening of democracy and the construction of a public, non-state realm,  in developed and developing countries, understand the new paradigms to study social movements and explain the nature, novelty, and features of new social movements and the World Social Forum, and identify political, cultural, organizational and media-related aspects that explain the new dynamics and the trend of global and regional mobilization, identify, understand and analyze some of the main debates, dilemmas and challenges related to the different dimensions of development, and learn about some cases of social mobilization in Latin America and cases of civil society organizations in Colombia.




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