IGEN-1104A History of Technology
Technology is essential to our current activities, however, very little is known about its forces, dynamics and effects, as well as its relation with other social domains. This course explores different theoretical models about the nature of technology, its historical development and relation to the societies. Students will review technology as a set of practices, symbols and devices inseparable from their social, cultural, political and economic contexts. This approach is intended to understand the complex interaction between the technological revolutions and breakthroughs and change in the respective societies. This course also explores different theoretical models about the nature of technology and its historical development through practical in-class activities. Likewise, it includes a research exercise on meaningful aspects of technology history chosen according to the participant’s interest and affiliations. http://tecnologiaysociedad.uniandes.edu.co. The course is part of the research program aimed to critically understand technological development and intends to deepen and enrich our concept of technology, by knowing about its historic background of problems and issues. The specific objectives are: to understand and define the main theoretical proposals about the historic analysis of technology, to devise and develop a group project on a given aspect of the history of technology, using the theoretical tools and approaches addressed in the course.
Camargo Juan
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