ARQU-1502 Visualizacion y Simulación para Arquitectura


The bombardment of different media that aid processes of representation, generate the enquiry over their range and use in architecture and furthermore to the architecture student.

The course aims to enquire into options of uses and applications that goes beyond the drawing of two-dimensional plans and the idea of the draughtsman associated to the use of these software tools. Ideas of preview and simulation are introduced, that applied to design methods focused on 3D decision-making, aid the design process. The course’s main objective is to develop methods of us for modelling software (e.g. Rhinoceros) that allow the previewing of architectural projects in their design phase.

Specifically, the course covers: terrain modelling and modification, architecture Project modelling, Solar simulation and analysis, material use, principles of rapid prototyping, introduction to parametric design and its benefits, basic lighting concepts (interior & exterior), and methods of 3D-animation for architectural flybys and constructive sequences.




Velandia Rayo Diego