CIDE-5405 Development Planning

Which are the main planning theories and styles for regional development management?, Which are the basic concepts, references and methodological aspects of planning methods and techniques for the regional development management? From what logic is it possible to contextually design methodological planning strategies for the regional development management? These are the questions that have to do with the theme of this course for appropriating and applying planning elements for regional development management, the response of which are derived from a pedagogy supported in hybrid learning environments in the individual and collective construction a contextualized knowledge. General Objective: Learn the main planning theories, styles, methods and techniques for regional development management and design a methodological strategy for its contextualized application. Specific Objectives: At the end of this course, students will be trained to: Learn some of the most relevant topics of the contemporaneous debate on the technical-instrumental planning rationale for regional development management. Take ownership of the basic concepts, references and methodological moments of planning methods and techniques for regional development management. Design the contextualized application of a methodological planning strategy for regional development management.  




Izquierdo Uribe Adolfo