DENI-5702 Contexto del Contrato Internacional

This course identifies the sources in the sphere of International Business Law. The mechanisms to unify standards are covered with special emphasis including UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) and UNIDROIT (International Institute for the Unification of Private Law), in addition to the different international conventions on the matter, Supranational Law, the Lex Mercatoria, etc. On another note, it delves into the study of International Private Law, particularly relating to obligations and contracts, as well as the recognition and execution of foreign rulings and decisions.   Part of the module is dedicated to the study of elements of Compared American Law, which covers topics such as: Liability rights, contracts and companies. This course consists of the following three subjects: 1. International Private Law in Obligations and Contracts. 2. Unification, Harmonization and Lex Mercatoria in International Private Law. 3. Elements of Compared Law - Liability Rights, Contracts and Companies in the United States of America
