- $name

- $name

IBIO-3112 IBIO-3112



IBIO-3112L IBIO-3112L



- IBIO-3115

- IBIO-3115L

- IBIO-3131

IBIO-3160 Biomechanics

Biomechanics is the application of mechanical theories in biomedical engineering. This course contains the fundamentals of mechanical engineering theories (mainly statics and solid mechanics) and their applications in biomedical engineering. We will put special emphasis on full body and tissue mechanics. Students will conduct experiments and computer simulations in the lab to understand how the biomechanics can be applied to more practical situations.





IBIO-3161 Biomechanics Lab

Biomechanics is the application of mechanical theories in biomedical engineering. This course contains the fundamentals of mechanical engineering theories (kinematics, statics, dynamics, control, and solid mechanics) and their applications in biomedical engineering. We will put special emphasis on dynamics of human motion and tissue mechanics. Students will conduct experiments and computer simulations in the lab to understand how the biomechanics can be applied to more practical situations.





IBIO-3170 Computational Biomechanics





IBIO-3171 Applied Biomechanics





IBIO-3216 In vitro Cellular activity: Tissue Engineering Techniches

Cell Culture Basics is designed to introduce the students to the practice of laboratory cell culture, covering topics such as laboratory set-up, safety and aseptic technique. The students also learn basic methods for passaging, freezing and thawing cultured cells, as well as applications in tissue engineering.





IBIO-3216L IBIO-3216L





- IBIO-3232

IBIO-3260 Biomedical Systems Modelling and Simulation





IBIO-2261 Biomedical Systems Modelling and Simulation Lab

Introduction to dynamical systems and their applications in Biomedical engineering. Applications to physiological systems to expand the understanding of its operation and control. Also present an introduction to population biology in order to understand the dynamics of populations including the concepts of competition and coexistences using deterministic and stochastic models, continuous and discrete.





IBIO-3270 Experimental Design and Biostatistics

The course aims to guide students in planning, design and execution of experiments efficiently and effectively, evaluating data statistically to make appropriate conclusions. With the development of knowledge in this area the student can apply the principles taught in the course in all phases of engineering and scientific work, including the study of clinical trials, the development of technologies, the design of new products and processes and the improving of manufacturing processes. Based on the above, the student is expected to understand the methodology and logical steps in experimentation, which can be summarized as: planning, conduct and analysis. In Biomedical Engineering, a well-designed clinical trial can lead to an effective analysis of medical problems, a reduction in the number of experiments, a reduction in the time to develop new processes and products and to an improved performance manufacturing processes and products that have superior functionality and reliability.





IBIO-3271 Experimental Design and Biostatistics Lab

The course aims to guide students in planning, design and execution of experiments efficiently and effectively, evaluating data statistically to make appropriate conclusions. With the development of knowledge in this area the student can apply the principles taught in the course in all phases of engineering and scientific work, including the study of clinical trials, the development of technologies, the design of new products and processes and the improving of manufacturing processes. Based on the above, the student is expected to understand the methodology and logical steps in experimentation, which can be summarized as: planning, conduct and analysis. In Biomedical Engineering, a well-designed clinical trial can lead to an effective analysis of medical problems, a reduction in the number of experiments, a reduction in the time to develop new processes and products and to an improved performance manufacturing processes and products that have superior functionality and reliability.





IBIO-3299 IBIO-3299



- IBIO-3320

- IBIO-3321

IBIO-3370 Neurociencias





- IBIO-3371

- IBIO-3380

- IBIO-3381

IBIO-3401 IBIO-3401



- IBIO-3411

- IBIO-3411L

IBIO-3470 Biomedical Image Analysis

This course introduces the field of digital image processing and analysis as a tool to extract quantitative information from visual data in real-world multidisciplinary biomedical applications. The theoretical lectures present general techniques and concepts of this area, while the hands-on laboratory sessions are devoted to their practical application using the MATLAB programming environment. The course is organized around a final research project, which the students develop in groups throughout the semester.





IBIO-3471 Laboratorio de Análisis y Procesamiento de Imágenes





IBIO-3560 Biomedical Signals Processing and Instrumentation

The study of signals and systems is a fundamental requirement in the basic engineering training. Not only the signals are one of the main sources of information available in the different engineering fields of action, but also, their study allows the understanding of associated systems which they interact with. Biomedical signals in turn, or more generally, signals from living organisms, are one of the main sources of information available for the understanding of the way the various systems (e.g. organs) that produced them interact with each other. Through their study it is also possible to identify both normal and pathological contexts in which their processing and analysis may prove useful for clinical diagnosis and treatment. This growing interest in the study of biomedical signals has produced the development of a variety of devices that facilitate their registration and analysis, and are closely related to technological advances in instrumentation (measurement).





IBIO-3560L Biomedical Signals Processing and Instrumentation Lab

The study of signals and systems is a fundamental requirement in the basic engineering training. Not only the signals are one of the main sources of information available in the different engineering fields of action, but also, their study allows the understanding of associated systems which they interact with. Biomedical signals in turn, or more generally signals from living organisms, are one of the main sources of information available for the understanding of the way the various systems (e.g. organs) that produced them interact with each other. Through their study it is also possible to identify both normal and pathological contexts in which their processing and analysis may prove useful for clinical diagnosis and treatment. This growing interest in the study of biomedical signals has produced the development of a variety of devices that facilitate their registration and analysis, and are closely related to technological advances in instrumentation (measurement).





IBIO-3570 Biosensores





IBIO-3572 Introduction to Biomems

The research and development in microsystems (MEMs) applied to life sciences, is an area with exponential growth in both science and technology. The technological versatility of integration with new materials and the wide range of possible applications, facilitate their application in many areas of science and engineering. This course is oriented, for those who want to start working in the field of MEMs applied to the life sciences of R & D.



IBIO-3590 Instrumentación Biomédica





IBIO-3591 Laboratorio Instrumentación Biomédica





IBIO-3680 Design Project 1

This is a design course and it is based on a project. Students, through the logic of design thinking, will address and develop a solution to a health issue from a biomedical engineering perspective. This course is part of the Design Project 1 and 2 sequence. During the first part, the students will identify a health need, will develop a clear need statement, will investigate existing solutions, will analyze the stakeholders affected by their solution, get an idea of the market opportunity, will develop a value proposition and will propose a solution in order to address the need. At the end of the semester, students must have  conducted an experiment to validate the feasibility of their proposed solution, also known as a ‘killer’ experiment. The success of this experiment will enable the students to continue the development in the following course of Design Project II.





IBIO-3702 Engineering Research Project





IBIO-3770 Seminario de Proyecto de Grado





IBIO-3780 Proyecto Final





IBIO-3801 IBIO-3801



IBIO-3802 Modelos Matemáticos en Biología





IBIO-3804 Multiphysics Modeling and Simulation: Applications in Biomedical Processes

Today’s product, process and equipment design are characterized by several critical factors, often driven by fierce competition: the need to reduce cost, need to reduce time to market, and need to make dramatic changes. In the traditional approach to design, engineers construct a physical prototype and test it in the laboratory. Physical prototypes have many major drawbacks: they are typically expensive to build and modify, and by their very nature, lead to lengthy design cycles, repeatability can be difficult (it is often destructive) and dramatic changes can be harder to conceive. 

Computer prototyping or simulation-based design has become an important supplement to the design process, sometimes drastically reducing the amount of physical prototyping. In computer prototyping, one builds a computer model using mathematical equations that is as close to the physical model as possible–the exact shape and size and the exact physical process. The popularity of computer prototyping can be attributed to the tremendous advancement in computer hardware and software that has minimized the need for mathematical expertise and effort to a bare minimum so that the user can concentrate on the manipulation of the “physical” process on the computer. 

This course will introduce computer prototyping using a physics-based simulation software that is used extensively in industry. To avoid potential misuse of the software, we learn not to use it as a black box. We do this by discussing (although briefly) the components of such a software–the governing equations, numerical solution of the equations, etc. We look at heat and mass transfer problems in biomedical/biological processes such as cryosurgery, hyperthermia, and drug delivery.  Close to half of the course is dedicated to design projects that you choose and work in small groups (each group has a different project).



IBIO-3804L Multiphysics Modeling and Simulation: Applications in Biomedical Processes Lab

Today’s product, process and equipment design are characterized by several critical factors, often driven by fierce competition: the need to reduce cost, need to reduce time to market, and need to make dramatic changes. In the traditional approach to design, engineers construct a physical prototype and test it in the laboratory. Physical prototypes have many major drawbacks: they are typically expensive to build and modify, and by their very nature, lead to lengthy design cycles, repeatability can be difficult (it is often destructive) and dramatic changes can be harder to conceive. 

Computer prototyping or simulation-based design has become an important supplement to the design process, sometimes drastically reducing the amount of physical prototyping. In computer prototyping, one builds a computer model using mathematical equations that is as close to the physical model as possible–the exact shape and size and the exact physical process. The popularity of computer prototyping can be attributed to the tremendous advancement in computer hardware and software that has minimized the need for mathematical expertise and effort to a bare minimum so that the user can concentrate on the manipulation of the “physical” process on the computer. 

This course will introduce computer prototyping using a physics-based simulation software that is used extensively in industry. To avoid potential misuse of the software, we learn not to use it as a black box. We do this by discussing (although briefly) the components of such a software–the governing equations, numerical solution of the equations, etc. We look at heat and mass transfer problems in biomedical/biological processes such as cryosurgery, hyperthermia, and drug delivery.  Close to half of the course is dedicated to design projects that you choose and work in small groups (each group has a different project).



IBIO-3870 Design Project 2

This is a design course and it is based on a project. Students, through the logic of design thinking, will address and develop a solution to a health issue from a biomedical engineering perspective. This course is part of the Design Project 1 and 2. In this first semester, students will identify a health need and will develop a value proposition and solution proposition in order to address it. At the end of the semester, students must have conducted a killer experiment that will serve to evaluate the concept and so be able to continue their project the following semester.





IBIO-3901 Elective In Biodesign





IBIO-3991 Professional practice

The Professional Practice is a learning alternative that complements the academic activities. It is based on the experience that students can have when they are immersed in the context of companies and institutions.





IBIO-3992 IBIO-3992

