Organizational Structure of the University

For academic and administrative management purposes, the University has a Directive Council, an Executive Committee, a President, three Vice Presidents, a Secretary General, an Academic Council, Deans and Department Heads, School Councils, and all the other officials and administrative and academic offices necessary for the operation of the Institution.

Directive Council

Executive Committee

Academic Council

School Councils

For additional information, go to:

  • School of Management
  • School of Architecture and Design
    • Department of Architecture
    • Department of Design
    • Research Center at the School of Architecture and Design -CIFAD-
  • School of Arts and Humanities
    • Center for Studies in Journalism
    • Department of Art
    • Department of Humanities and Literature
    • Department of Music
  • School of Science
    • Department of Biological Science
    • Department of Physics
    • Department of Mathematics
    • Department of Chemistry
  • School of Social Sciences
    • Department of Anthropology
    • Department of Political Science
    • Department of Philosophy
    • Department of History
    • Department of Languages and Sociocultural Studies
    • Department of Psychology
    • Center for Sociocultural and International Studies -CESO-
  • School of Law
    • Center for Socio-legal Research –CIJUS-
    • Legal Counseling Office
  • School of Economics
    • Center for Studies on Economic Development -CEDE-
  • School of Engineering
    • Department of Biomedical Engineering
    • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    • Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    • Department of Industrial Engineering
    • Department of Mechanical Engineering
    • Department of Chemical Engineering
    • Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
  • School of Medicine
  • Center for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies -CIDER-
  • Center for Research and Training in Education -CIFE-
  • Alberto Lleras Camargo School of Government
  • Dean of Students Office