IELE-2000 Electrical circuits analysis and synthesis

AC single phase power. Multiphase systems. Phase power. Magnetic coupling. Transformers. Laplace transform and its applications to circuits. Filtering. Analysis in the frequency domain. Resonance and harmony. Analysis of two port networks, Elements of theory of realizability. Basic synthesis impedances and transfer functions. Passive filter design.





IELE-2002 Electromagnetic Theory

In this course, the student acquires the ability of express electromagnetic phenomena through Maxwell equations in the frequency domain, taking into account the conditions and applications of static modeling of electromagnetic fields. Relationship of the electromagnetic phenomena and its modeling by electrical circuits is studied, understanding the constraints of this kind of model as well as the physical principles of the propagation and radiation phenomena and their telecommunication applications (radio frequency, microwaves and optic): Transmission lines, waveguides and antennas.





IELE-2002L Electromagnetic Theory Lab



IELE-2009 Scientific Computing for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

The course begins with the basic concepts of numerical representation in computers, the error theory principles and the floating point arithmetic. Subsequently, it presents the numerical analysis tools, such as Linear and nonlinear equations, eigenvalue problems, differentiation and integration of one or two variables and partial differential equations. The methodology is oriented to present the scientific computing in the context of electrical and electronic engineering.





IELE-2009L Scientific Computing for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Lab

The course begins with the basic concepts of numerical representation in computers, the error theory principles and the floating point arithmetic. Subsequently, it presents the numerical analysis tools, such as Linear and nonlinear equations, eigenvalue problems, differentiation and integration of one or two variables and partial differential equations. The methodology is oriented to present the scientific computing in the context of electrical and electronic engineering.



IELE-2010 Materials for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

The main focus of the course is to show the products applications from the point of view of science of materials. The course aims to give the students the tools to understand the interrelation between materials, properties, phenomena, process and synthesis. The course introduce technical standards for the handling of parameters, properties and effects of materials.





IELE-2010L Materials for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Lab

The main focus of the course is to show the products applications from the point of view of science of materials. The course aims to give the students the tools to understand the interrelation between materials, properties, phenomena, process and synthesis. The course introduce technical standards for the handling of parameters, properties and effects of materials.



IELE-2040B IELE-2040B



- IELE-2042B

- IELE-2044B

- IELE-2080

- IELE-2081

IELE-2100 Elements of Electrical Power Systems

This course aims to introduce the student the modeling techniques of the power system components and the system analysis techniques in steady state. The course presents the basic theory of the energy electro mechanic conversion, active and reactive power, single phase and three phase transformers, fundamentals of induction and synchronic electric machines. In addition, the course includes the presentation of the transmission lines fundamental concepts and modeling. Finally, there is an approach to the steady state analysis with the presentation of the per-unit system, load flow and short circuit.





IELE-2100L Elements of Electrical Power Systems Lab

This course aims to introduce the student the modeling techniques of the power system components and the system analysis techniques in steady state. The course presents the basic theory of the energy electro mechanic conversion, active and reactive power, single phase and three phase transformers, fundamentals of induction and synchronic electric machines. In addition, the course includes the presentation of the transmission lines fundamental concepts and modeling. Finally, there is an approach to the steady state analysis with the presentation of the per-unit system, load flow and short circuit.



- IELE-2202

- IELE-2202L

IELE-2206 Fundamentals of Electronics

The course aim to give the students the skills to understand the operation, use and application of devices of 2 or 3 terminals: diodes and transistors. The course presents the fundamentals of semiconductor materials and electronic transport, in order to stablish different configurations of semiconductors, insulators and conductors where the electron and hole flux are controlled. The AC and DC responses of the devices are analyzed with models of small and large signal.





IELE-2206L Fundamentals of Electronics Lab

The course aim to give the students the skills to understand the operation, use and application of devices of 2 or 3 terminals: diodes and transistors. The course presents the fundamentals of semiconductor materials and electronic transport, in order to stablish different configurations of semiconductors, insulators and conductors where the electron and hole flux are controlled. The AC and DC responses of the devices are analyzed with models of small and large signal.



IELE-2210 Digital Electronic Systems

The objetives are: 1) Identify combinational or sequential circuits in digital systems. 2) Implement digital systems using different technological alternatives. 3) Design and implement digital systems using methodological alternatives that depend on the individual functioning of their components and their interconnection, to solve problems.



IELE-2210L Digital Electronic Systems Lab

Objetives: 1) Identify combinational or sequential circuits in digital systems. 2) Implement digital systems using different technological alternatives. 3) Design and implement digital systems using methodological alternatives that depend on the individual functioning of their components and their interconnection, to solve problems.



IELE-2300 Control Systems Analysis

The course aims to develop the competence and comprehension in the analysis and design of control systems in continuous time. The course presents modeling and analysis principles of continuous dynamic systems, SISO Linear control systems and implementation of design on software.





IELE-2300L Control Systems Analysis Lab

The course aims to develop the competence and comprehension in the analysis and design of control systems in continuous time. The course presents modeling and analysis principles of continuous dynamic systems, SISO Linear control systems and implementation of design on software.



IELE-2402 Communications

The course begins with the general definition of a communication system, and an identification and analysis of its parts. It continues with the analog modulation of continuous wave, such as AM, FM and PM. Then, there is an approach to digital  modulation systems and they are compared in terms of power, complexity, error probability and interference. Finally, the telecommunications systems boundaries are stablished based on the noise.





IELE-2402L Communications Lab

The course begins with the general definition of a communication system, and an identification and analysis of its parts. It continues with the analog modulation of continuous wave, such as AM, FM and PM. Then, there is an approach to digital  modulation systems and they are compared in terms of power, complexity, error probability and interference. Finally, the telecommunications systems boundaries are stablished based on the noise.



IELE-2500 Signals and Systems

The course prepares the student to understand the mathematical concepts of signals and systems, and their application in engineering. This course requires some prior knowledge in Complex Variable, Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra.





IELE-2500L Signals and Systems Lab

The course prepares the student to understand the mathematical concepts of signals and systems, and their application in engineering. This course requires some prior knowledge in Complex Variable, Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra.



IELE-2900 Undergraduate Teaching Assistenship





- IELE-2901