IIND-1000 Introduction to Industrial Engineering

This course is the first actual contact between the student and the Industrial Engineering curriculum, along with all the possibilities that the Department and the University offer. Presents the different areas where Industrial Engineering graduated from Universidad de los Andes can contribute and develop their knowledge in Colombia and in the world. At the end of the course the students should be able to apply some of the tools, topics and contents of Industrial Engineering known and applied in a particular project (project EXPOANDES). Specifically, the course is proposed as an area of counseling and ongoing support for students in first semester to facilitate students' adjustment to their new role at university. Allows students to reinforce their decision about joining the Industrial Engineering program, or otherwise, provides the opportunity for responsible people who do not feel identified with the choice of life as an Industrial engineer to join one of the many programs offered by the Universidad de los Andes or other institutions. Finally it intends to show the university as an institution, interested in the development and training of the students as individuals.





IIND-1001 Accompaniment Program

The accompaniment program targets first semester students in Industrial Engineering. It is a voluntary program where mentors from advanced semesters support first semester students in their process to adapt to the university. Activities of different types will take place with groups of 10 students in each section with the main goal being to obtain high grade averages in the first semester of school. The Department of Psychology helped design the program based on the experiences of international universities in this area.





IIND-1003 IIND-1003



- IIND-1300B

IIND-1301A IIND 1301A



