Administration Degree

Degree Administrator
Level Under Graduate
Duration 8 semesters
Dedication Full time
Number of credits 141
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1536
National Accreditation 2002: CNA (Consejo Nacional de Acreditación - National Accreditation Council) for 9 years
International Accreditation 2003: EQUIS, otorgada por la EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development).

The School´s academics excellence and high standards have been accredited by the most recongnized national and international accreditation agencies. The School of Management is now part of a select group of business schools in the word with the achievement of the most respected three international accreditations: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA (Commonly know as the "Triple crowm")



The undergraduate program in Management seeks to develop professionals with solid and current knowledge in management that will allow them to pursue a continuous learning process and develop higher levels of managerial and entreprenurial skills. The curriculum aims at a well-rounded education for future professionals, allowing them to have a wider view of the management reality and the context in wich it develops.

The undegraduate learning goals are:

  • Students will comprehend their social responsibility and the ethical implications of their decisions.
  • Students will show autonomous and open-minded behaviors in order to adapt to organizational change and diverse business conditions.
  • Students will have a local and international managerial perspective.
  • Students will combine knowledge and quantitative tools to conceptualize a situation and to make decisions fact-based managerial decisions.
  • Students will demostrate and overall understanding of organizations through a solid knowledge in the functional areas of management.
  • Students will identify opportunities and determine innovative solutions to managerial situations and new ventures.
  • Students will write and orally communicate in a clear, coherent and effective manner.

The undergraduate program has had the National Accreditation for 9 years (maximum time possible), granted by the National Accreditation Counsel (CNA for the Spanish). At international level, the School is accredited with the EQUIS quality seal granted by the European Foundation for Management Development.

Study Plan

The curriculum of the Management undergraduate program aims a well-rounded education. The undergraduate program´s structure is divided in three cycles: basic, professional basic and professional. Finally, student gain in-depth knowledge of a specific area of management by choosing between three alternatives at the end of their program: a) to write a graduation paper, b) to work as a research assistant in one research group, or c) to continue studies in a UniAndes Master program.

The study plan include areas such as: mathematics, economics, law, operations and technology, finance, marketing, organizations, management and strategy. Furthermore, students must prove their ability to communicate in Spanish, as well as second language (English, French, Italian or German).

The overall education program also integrate a course on Constitution and Democracy, 2 free electives (CLE), and 6 social humanistic education courses (Uniandes Basic Cycle - UBC).

Courses E type with a component of academic writing argumentative text production incorporated in the educational Objectives of the course, make an explicit part of its methodology and central assessment process for students to improve their communication skills and broaden and deepen their disciplinary knowledge. To select the subjects of the papers take into account the learning Objectives, content that is specific to the course and general themes.

Research or Concentration Areas

In the School of Management, research is a strategic factor for improving the quality and academic development.

The School of Management has five research groups clasified by COLCIENCIAS in the highest category, with multiple cores that serve as breeding grounds for groups of high-level research. Groups and centers are in the areas of 1) Public Management, 2) Business History, 3) Marketing, 4) Finance and 5) Organizations Studies.

Additionally, has a research center called Center for Strategy and Competitiveness, and Social Enterprise Initiative.

Teachers and students are organized around these groups and centers of research and develop projects in different thematic areas of interest. For students, joining as research assistants to fulfill their graduation option.











Model Program

Todos los estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos para graduarse:

Requisito de Español

A partir del semestre 2011- I, todos los estudiantes deben tomar el curso: Español (LITE1611 o LENG1501) para cumplir con este requisito. Además, a lo largo de su carrera, también deben tomar dos materias identificadas como cursos tipo E, que pueden coincidir con sus CBU o con otras materias.

Requisitos sobre Idiomas Extranjeros

La norma sobre idioma extranjero exige a los estudiantes el cumplimiento de dos requisitos:

Requisito de lectura en inglés (LENG-2999).

Requisito de dominio de una segunda lengua (LENG3999).

Formación Integral

Cursos del Ciclo Básico Uniandino (CBU): durante el trascurso de su programa académico, los estudiantes Uniadinos deben tomar tres cursos Tipo A en cada una de las áreas (Artes y Humanidades, Ciencia y Tecnología, Ciencias Sociales) y tres cursos Tipo B. Para más información, consultar el reglamento de los CBU.

CLE: Cursos de Libre Elección.

Curso Constitución y Democracia.

(Tomado del Reglamento General de Estudiantes de Pregrado - vigencia 2013, que pueden consultar en la página:

Los estudiantes deben confirmar el cumplimiento de los créditos exigidos en cada programa y el requisito de la opción de grado. Un crédito equivale a 48 horas de trabajo académico.

Nota: es recomendable que los estudiantes, durante cada semestre de estudios, consulten a sus coordinadores académicos y profesores consejeros para revisar sus registros académicos (carpetas) y planear organizadamente su programa en Uniandes.

Para mayor información, ingrese a la siguiente página: sección Estudiantes

First Semester

ADMI-1101Fundamentos de Administracion y Gerencia (Para Administradores)


ADMI-2207Colombia y sus Instituciones


DERE-1300Constitucion y Democracia


ADMI-1401Taller de Habilidades Informaticas


MATE-1203Calculo Diferencial


Total Credit Hours:19

Second Semester

ADMI-1201Accounting and Financial Analysis (Business Administration)


MATE-1214Calculo Integral con Ecuaciones Diferenciales


Total Credit Hours:15

Third Semester

ADMI-1203Finanzas 1: Planeacion


ADMI-2301Fundamentos de Mercadeo


ECON-2107Introduction to Microeconomics


MATE-1207Calculo Vectorial



Total Credit Hours:18

Fourth Semester

ADMI-2204Finanzas 2: Inversion


ADMI-2206Comportamiento del Consumidor


ADMI-2104Business History


ECON-2203Introduction to Macroeconomics


MATE-1505Probabilidad y Estadística I


Total Credit Hours:19

Fifth Semester

ADMI-2205Finanzas 3: Estrategia


ADMI-2402Modelos de Optimizacion




ADMI-2801La Gestion de lo Publico


MATE-1506Probabilidad y Estadística II


Total Credit Hours:18

Sixth Semester

ADMI-2302Investigacion de Mercados


ADMI-2403Operaciones y Logistica


ADMI-1603Comportamiento Organizacional


ADMI-2106Responsabilidad Social


ADMI-2501Analisis del Entorno Colombiano


ADMI-3110Emprendimiento e Innovacion


ADMI-1602Taller de Autoconocimiento


Total Credit Hours:19

Seventh Semester

ADMI-3405Sistemas de Informacion Gerencial


ADMI-2107Gerencia de Recursos Humanos


ADMI-3107Casos y Proyectos en Administracion




ADMI-3701Negocios Internacionales


DERE-1202Fundamentos de Derecho de los Negocios


Total Credit Hours:18

Eighth Semester

ADMI-3122Juego Gerencial


ADMI-3200Opcion de Grado



Total Credit Hours:15

Alumni Profile

Undergraduate School alumni demonstrate high academic achievement and have an interest for management in any kind of organizations: publics, private and third sector. They are most also be interested in receiving a comprehensive education that include other disciplines and offers a strong quantitative emphasis.

Besides being able to lead all types of organizations, alumni have an integral vision that enables them to lead processes in different contexts, both nationally and internationally.

Similarly, the entrepreneurial spirit is reflected on the identification and use of business opportunities, which translates into the creation and development of their own companies.

Additionally, the well-rounded and flexible education offered by Uniandes instills in its students a broad sense of reality within an environment of excellence, respect, team work and tolerance.
