Industrial Engineering: Organizational and Management Control Systems Specialization

Degree Specialist in Organizational and Management Systems
Level Specialization
Duration Un (1) año
Number of credits 22
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 4848



Educate high level professionals with relevant personal competencies so as to develop better control systems, as well as skills in the use of management control tools, planning, internal control and specialized auditing, following new control concepts proposed by academic, legal, social, and market trends related to the topic.

Support improvement of Colombian organizations, particularly of their modernization and restructuring processes, through training and development of student´s skills, as well as by the design and implementation of internal and external control systems and through the development of monitoring schemes, follow up, control and management evaluation.

Create a learning and research scenario regarding new concept, methodological, technological, systemic orientation and multidisciplinary proposals related to the Specialization, through the development of research-action projects at the company where the student works at, supported by professors and monitors from the Specialization who have experience in these different topics.

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Study Plan

The Specialization consists of several courses that add up to a total of 22 credits.

In general, one credit is equivalent to approximately fifteen (15) hours of on- campus classes and thirty (30) working off campus hours. This means that the main learninig effort focuses on the student.

Research or concentration areas

The courses that are included in the Organizational and Management Control Systems Specialization program, can be grouped in three areas according to the concentration, approach and proficiency of their action or application: Organizational control, control at a personal and interpersonal level, specialized control areas and a final project.

Model Program

First Semester

SICO-5602Estrategia Organizacional y Bsc


SICO-5104Diagnóstico Organizacional e Indicadores de Gestión


SICO-5403Control Financiero


SICO-5103Auditoria Integral Sistemica


Total Credit Hours:9

Second Semester

SICO-5202Reconstrucción Conversacional


SICO-5308Gerencia del Cambio


SICO-5103Auditoria Integral Sistemica


Total Credit Hours:6

Third Semester

SICO-5310Gerencia del Riesgo


SICO-5312Teoría de la Decisión


SICO-5314Seminario Gestión de la Cálida


SICO-5315Inteligencia De Negocios


SICO-5501Proyecto de Grado I


SICO-5103Auditoria Integral Sistemica


Total Credit Hours:7

Alumni Profile

The specialist in organizational and management control systems has a research leadership profile based on systemic concepts which provide him with elements to develop broad perceptions regarding organizational situations. In the same way, the specialist is capable of working as a Director or as an internal control project Coordinator or Representative of control bodies within social control schemes.

A specialist in organizational and management control systems has internalized thus mastering, contemporary techniques and concepts of organizational and management control systems. In the same way, he has developed basic skills to elaborate and understand project evaluations and specialized audits in environmental, financial and systems topics. He also develops skills to design control systems, determines efficiency of current systems and demonstrates problem situations within the organization which require specific internal control project design.
