DERE-3614 Preseminario Elsa Wto Moot Court

EMC2 is an international competition that covers the conflict resolution method presented to the World Trade Organization (WTO), founded by the European Law Students´ Association in 2002. Since 2005, the competition started to include Latin American countries and designated COLADIC as its representative in the region. EMC2 includes two rounds: one verbal Latin American round, where all participating teams must prepared memorial for both the claimant and the respondent in the case presented, and a Final Verbal round, which will be held in the center of the WTO in Genève, Switzerland. Each team must be comprised of at least two (2) and maximum four (4) members, who must be undergraduate or master´s students. The last EMC2 contests have addressed issues such as the controversies generated among economic powers and developing countries due to the enforcement of limits on the imports of fishing products, the subsidies to agricultural industries or the access to patented medications.




Moya Hoyos Juan