ECON-2301 Econometrics I

Econometrics, with its rigorous statistical instrumentation, serves to provide validation in the empirical field of economic theory. Statistical methods taught throughout the course in Econometrics I allow to estimate empirical relations among economic variables and validate or refute economic theories in specific contexts. The main objectives of the course are: (i) to familiarize the student with empirical works, (ii) to present the basic econometric concepts and (iii) to provide some guidelines on how to conduct applied research in economics. Some of the subject matters are the following: classical linear model of simple and multiple regression, minimum square and maximum verisimilitude estimators, estimation and application of different functional forms, constraints, fictitious independent variables and management of different problems associated with the non-compliance with classical linear model statements. The operational part lying at the heart of the course is based upon the most commonly used econometric programs such as EVIEWS and STATA.




Santos Villagran Rafael