LENG-1701 Portugués I

Through this theoretical-practical class, this course is an introduction to the Portuguese language in its several linguistic competences. It will provide the student with some lexical grammatical structures, which will allow for development of a communicative attitude (Oral and written expression) as well as receptive (Oral and written understanding) linked to every day and contemporary situations. Furthermore, it will offer supervised phonetic training that will make the oral communication easier. Another process commenced during this class is the students´ socialization. Group activities such as group assignments, conversations, presentations, among others, are important tools to allow them to know each other better and grant them the possibility to work on the four linguistic skills in real situations. In the first level, we will, indirectly, start getting ready for the Celpebras test, both oral and written . At he end we will offer in a practical and theoretical way some social-cultural and historical aspects, stimulating intercultural reflection.
