STRA-5425 Calidad de la Potencia

Provide students with the tools for the analysis and design of distribution systems of mid and low tension related to the reliable, safe, and economical functioning of power supply projects in both sides of the measurement, with the purpose of evaluating both the perspective of the power supply company, as well as the one of the final user. Power supply problems present in electrical systems are more frequent these days, and have a high repercussion in the indicators of productivity, performance, and safety of the personnel and the equipment. These series of problems turn out to generate economic losses due to: Long periods of NO invoicing, erroneous management of inventories and/or big data bases, equipment damaged, fires, and risks affecting the personnel of the company, apart from high administrative costs. It is indispensable the participation of electrical engineers for the correct application of the basic standard NTC 2050 (National Electric Code), the recommendations IEEE, FPUB, as well as other computer-based (EMTP, HARMFLO, PSCAD) and measurement (FLUKE, AR5) tools, guaranteeing the understanding by network designers and planners, equipment manufacturers and users. this course includes the study of phenomena, harmonic elements analysis, and temporary phenomena, as well as the study of grounding, voltage fluctuation analysis, and benchmarking applied to PQ, It also focuses in the study of solutions for the PQ phenomena: active filters, FACTS, among others.




Ramos Lopez Gustavo