GTEL-5205 Law and Telecommunications

These unit intends to familiarize students with the juridical framework of telecommunications in Colombia from a practical perspective. Therefore, it is targeted to study the problems that telecommunications companies face everyday. For these purposes, the unit has a general institutional section to deal with aspects related to the State entities in charge of monitoring, controlling and regulating telecommunications activities in Colombia and the general framework surrounding them. Subsequently, a number of specific relevant issues will be addressed in regard to the companies in the telecommunications sector, such as rivalry in the local market, interconnections, typical contracts in the sector, alternatives for the settlement of disputes and convergence from the legislative and regulatory perspective. Since, in this specialty most of the students do not take part in legal studies, it becomes fundamental to open a space to teach the necessary legal knowledge to develop telecommunications activities. In this regard, this unit is presented from three perspectives closely related to the topic of telecommunications: Aspects related to management performance (I), notions of contracting (II), public accountability (III) and fundamentals of mercantile law for the management of telecommunications companies (IV). At the end of this unit, students will be able to identify some relevant juridical features, which could be useful to perform their daily tasks in their correspondent work sites.




Quintero Navas Gustavo