LENG-1104 Ingles IV

During the second cycle, students perfect skills in the productive abilities of language, which are oral and written expression, which enables them to meet the demands of the academic contexts in which they have to use English as a foreign language. The second cycle includes the courses English 4, English 5 and English 6. This is the first course of the skills cycle in the English program as academic support. It places emphasis on the expression as well as the comprehension of spoken English. Students acquire communication strategies on the level of words to provide them with a fluid, intelligible discourse in academic contexts. Students also acquire an awareness of their own learning, which enables them to work independently and improve their communicative skills. Students also express their ideas and reflections regarding their learning process in writing. This communicative and reflective skill is practiced by studying texts relating to learning a foreign language, such as: learning styles, the brain and non-verbal communication.  




Nausa Triana Ricardo