Regional Development Management Specialization

Degree Specialist in Regional Development Management
Level Specialization
Duration 12 months
Number of credits 20
Class Schedule End of Month
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 51729




Areas of Research or Concentration

Model Program

The Specialization is aimed at professionals from any of the knowledge areas, who are knowledgeable on or who are interested in topics related to development, interested in working for State, private or civil society entities, whose management may cause regional impact.


The Universidad de los Andes grants the title of Specialist in Regional Development Management, subject to registration and approval of 20 credits.

Note: The specialization can be made equivalent during the first year of the Masters Degree Program if students decide to apply for it and if admitted to the Masters Degree Program in Interdisciplinary Studies on Development.

Term and Modality

The Specialization lasts one year, divided in two academic semesters, with a modality of on-campus classes at the end of the month.

This model has been used for the past five years and has successfully graduated over 200 specialists. This model enables the Center to strengthen its academic proposal of development promotion based on the involvement of students from all country regions and Latin American cities.

First Semester

CIDE-5400Teorias de Desarrollo


CIDE-5401Institutions and Development


CIDE-5403Culture and Development


CIDE-5405Development Planning


Total Credit Hours:10

Second Semester

CIDE-5402Environment and Development


CIDE-5404Society and Development


CIDE-5406Administracion del Desarrollo


CIDE-5407Development financing


Total Credit Hours:10

The alumnae will be capable of:

