IELE-1000 Introduccion a la Ingenieria Electrica y Electronica

Introductory course for engineering. The role of the engineering in society, the methods, attitudes and the expected abilities of an engineer are analyzed. Professional practice and its applications to different areas are contextualized. The student will contact groups and projects of development and research which are active in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. An introduction to university life, regulations and university resources is made.

The course represents the first contact between the students and the program of Electronic Engineering. It introduces the action fields where an engineer can contribute and develop his knowledge in Colombia and around the world. Furthermore, the course serves as a counseling space for first semester students, in order to make easier the university adaptation for them. Finally, the course has a project where the students are introduced to tools, topics and contents of the program.





IELE-1000L Laboratorio Introduccion Ingenieria Electrica y Electronica

The course represents the first contact between the students and the program of Electronic Engineering. It introduces the action fields where an engineer can contribute and develop his knowledge in Colombia and around the world. Furthermore, the course serves as a counseling space for first semester students, in order to make easier the university adaptation for them. Finally, the course has a project where the students are introduced to tools, topics and contents of the program.





IELE-1000T Trabajo Asistido Introducción Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica





IELE-1002 Fundamentos de Circuitos

This course presents students with the basic concepts involved in the electrical circuits: types of used elements, electrical circuits fundamental laws, theorems and structured analysis tools, time analysis and phasor analysis.

Comprehend the basic physical laws that describe phenomena that occur in electrical circuits at low frequencies, including zero frequency, as well as the effect of resistances, inductances and capacitances and their physical variables, both at transitory and permanent state, in temporary and frequency response. “Comprehend” is understood as having the ability to apply what has been learned in the solution of a sufficiently open problem.





IELE-1002L Laboratorio.Fundamentos Circuitos

This course presents students with the basic concepts involved in the electrical circuits: types of used elements, electrical circuits fundamental laws, theorems and structured analysis tools, time analysis and phasor analysis.

Comprehend the basic physical laws that describe phenomena that occur in electrical circuits at low frequencies, including zero frequency, as well as the effect of resistances, inductances and capacitances and their physical variables, both at transitory and permanent state, in temporary and frequency response. “Comprehend” is understood as having the ability to apply what has been learned in the solution of a sufficiently open problem.





IELE-1006 Fundamentos de Circuitos

This course presents the principles of electrical circuits. Different circuits analysis methods are studied with the purpose that the student be capable of choose the appropriate method for a specific problem. Also, the student will be able to understand the operation of the basic elements in circuits. Complex function circuits are developed taking into account basic function circuit block. Also, the student will be able to understand the operation of the basic elements in circuits, sensors, filters and instrumentation amplifier.





IELE-1006L Laboratorio Fundamentos Circuitos

This course presents the principles of electrical circuits. Different circuits analysis methods are studied with the purpose that the student be capable of choose the appropriate method for a specific problem. Also, the student will be able to understand the operation of the basic elements in circuits. Complex function circuits are developed taking into account basic function circuit block. Also, the student will be able to understand the operation of the basic elements in circuits, sensors, filters and instrumentation amplifier.





IELE-1010 Circuitos e Instrumentación

This course presents the principles of electrical circuits. Different circuits analysis methods are studied with the purpose that the student be capable of choose the appropriate method for a specific problem. Also, the student will be able to understand the operation of the basic elements in circuits, sensors, filters, instrumentation amplifier and isolation amplifier.





IELE-1010L Laboratorio Circuitos e Instrumentación

This course presents the principles of electrical circuits. Different circuits analysis methods are studied with the purpose that the student be capable of choose the appropriate method for a specific problem. Also, the student will be able to understand the operation of the basic elements in circuits, sensors, filters, instrumentation amplifier and isolation amplifier.





- IELE-1080

IELE-1400 Fundamentos de Redes

Computer networks: Multilayered architecture concept and their service models. The course introduce and explain the
concepts of layers (application, transport, network, data-link, physical) and the basic principles of LAN networks. The practical part consist of simulations in software: Capture and analyze network traffic and  create network topologies of modern computer networks.





IELE-1400L Laboratorio Fundamentos de Redes





IELE-1500 Signals and systems

The concepts of signal and system are present in many fields in science and engineering. This course focuses primarily on methods of representation of signals that are appropriate for the study of linear and time invariant systems. Parallel treatment of continuous-time systems and discrete is done at the course, and sampling concepts are introduced in order to allow the student to understand the basic ideas used by discrete systems to process continuous signals.,English,-




Lozano Martinez Fernando

IELE-1502 Sistemas Dinámicos

The objective of this course is to help one develop  the ability to analyze real dynamic phenomena and dynamic systems.





IELE-1502L Laboratorio de Sistemas Dinámicos





IELE-1999 Academic Planning



