Electronic Engineering Degree

Degree Electronic Engineer
Level Under Graduate
Duration Eight (8) semesters
Number of credits 137
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 4690
National Accreditation 2008: CNA (Consejo Nacional de Acreditación - National Accreditation Council) for 8 years



Electronic Engineering is the basis for the majority of high technology products and services over which modern civilization is structured. As such, its applications and main current development areas are found within sophisticated current telecommunication systems, in computer engineering, information management and entertainment systems, biomedical engineering and in systems of automation and control of industrial processes, among others.

Programmatic Objective 1: As an individual: Promote in students environmental, ethical and professional responsibility with society and systemic and critical thought in the analysis of its environment.

Programmatic Objective 2: As an electrical and electronic engineer: Develop competencies in students that allows them to acquire, design, evaluate, integrate, analyze, diagnose and develop solutions since electrical/electronic engineering which generate wealth and social welfare including the state of the art in their discipline and taking advantage of opportunities to innovate autonomously and learn continuously.

Programmatic Objective 3: As an engineer within society: Develop in students the capacity to efficiently identify, formulate and solve complex problems in society within an interdisciplinary framework involving communication skills and team work.

Study Plan

The plan includes all of the education requirements, not only of optimal professionals, but also of upright, participatory and ethical citizens. It also includes a set of courses in the fields of humanities and social sciences and encourages the responsibilities of students regarding their own education, through a high level of electivity so as to develop towards particular professional profiles.

The Study Plan, since the creation of the program at Universidad de los Andes, proposed a wide spectrum syllabus in Electronic Engineering, emphasizing it on a comprehensive education and use of basic sciences, being in this way, less professionalized and specialized. This coincides with the consolidation aspects of the master’s degree and specialization programs, which respond in a more adequate way to the professionalized needs of the industry, once the professional has been able to insert himself in the work field.

This program is inspired by the following principles:

A basic, broad and rigurous education of the engineer more than one being specialized, narrow or procedural: The program´s purpose is for the electronical engineering alumni of Universidad de los Andes to continue learning and updating itself during its professional life. The undergraduate program is seen as the first stage of a continuous education process. Students are trained and specialized directly in the work place or in the university or other institution. During this stage of the student´s education, it is important that the future professional learns to learn by itself, rigorously understanding the principles and science methods, where electronic engineering is based on, more than memorizing formulas or specific procedures. For this purpose, students must learn to efficiently use all of the available resources at the university such as professors, laboratories, libraries, audiovisual and virtual means, computers, internet, etc.

Comprehension based on the balance between theory understanding and the skill to propose and solve concrete problems: The engineer must develop qualifications and skills that include:

Analysis and the consistent dexterity for the application of techniques and analytical methods based on models and mathematical procedures. Synthesis and creative use of diverse design processes for solving specific problems that use multiple technologies based on the application of a great variety of principles and physical laws. Knowledge based primarily on the personal effort of the student together with team work: Learning must be the result of the student´s personal effort while carrying out precise tasks that range from an adequate reading and critical understanding of texts up to the elaboration of an appropriate analytical case proposal.

Research or concentration areas

  • Microelectronics.
  • Micro/nano Systems.
  • Telecommunication systems
  • Electromagnetic compatibility.
  • Control and automation of industrial processes
  • Biomedical Engineering.
  • Intelligent systems.











Alumni Profile

A Uniandino Electronical Engineer is a professional who has a rigorous study discipline, ethical and social responsibility and capacities to develop its profession in an autonomous way, with a broad thought as well as leadership, entrepreneurial capacity and social projection. All of these based on a scientific, technological and comprehensive education with solid physicomathematical bases, complemented with knowledge in the economical-administrative and social areas. Said education includes electrical sciences, circuits and systems, electronic devices and circuits, information theories, communications and control.

The Uniandino Electronic Engineer focuses his action in the design and production of devices, circuits and electronic systems to be used in productive and service areas, such as telecommunications, computers, bioengineering and industrial automation. The Uniandino Electronical Engineer stands out for his research capacity and the way he acquires, applies and develops techniques and technologies for the design of electronic and communications systems, development of instrumentation systems, signal processing, bioengineering and microelectronics."

The Uniandino Electronic Engineer concentrates its action on research, planning, analysis, design and production of devices, circuits and electronic systems, to be used in productive and service areas, such as telecommunications, computers, bioengineering, industrial automation and control of industrial processes.
