Undergraduate Degrees

  • Administrator

  • Anthropologist

  • Architect

  • MA in Arts with Consideration in… (Granted in accordance to the level of concentration selected by the student)

  • Biologist

  • Political Analyst

  • Lawyer

  • Designer

  • Economist

  • Philosopher

  • Physicist

  • Geoscience

  • Historian

  • Historia del Arte

  • Environmental Engineer

  • Biomedical Engineer

  • Civil Engineer

  • Electronic Engineer

  • Electrical Engineer

  • Industrial Engineer

  • Mechanical Engineer

  • Chemical Engineer

  • IT Engineer

  • Professional in Languages and Socio-cultural Studies

  • B.A. in Literature

  • Mathematician

  • Physician

  • Microbiologist

  • Musician (Composer, Choral Director, Instrument Player, Audio or Theoretical Producer, based on the Consideration)

  • Psychologist

  • Chemist