Mathematics Doctoral Program

Degree PhD in Mathematics
Level Doctoral Program
Duration Eight (8) semesters
Number of credits 85
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 21536



The Doctoral program in Mathematics is intended to train researchers capable of conducting and orienting, on their own, research on pure or applied mathematics renown by the national and international scholar community as a contribution to the improvement of science. The training of students in Doctoral programs will be carried out developing a research, attending courses and seminars, and it will end with a dissertation that is to bewill be an original contribution to knowledge.

The program is geared to professionals working in the area of mathematics or similar fields, professors or students from Latin America. The program will train them in a fashion that will enable them to lead research groups and share their knowledge and skills in universities or in the industrial sector.

Study Plan

In order to receive the degree, the approval of at least 80 credits is necessary. From the 80 credits, 30 must correspond to graduate studies, and the remaining 50 to seminars and research works. There will be a specific curriculum for each student and a Study Plan will be prepared for each case, depending on the particular needs. This plan must be supported by the Counselor, and it must be approved by the Graduate and Research Department Committee. Its minimum structure includes the following:




4 Graduate courses

To be taken on the first year


2 Graduate seminars

To be taken on the first year



Exams on knowledge


2 Research seminars



1 Graduate course or tutorial




Area exam


Graduation project




Project support











The students must: attend the Graduate seminar at least during two semesters, pass four graduate courses, take the Seminar on Research where they will begin the drafting of the Graduation Project, and must also pass two advanced research seminars.

The development of the Graduation Project is the main activity of the student's syllabus. Once the project is ratified with the approval of the project support, the student shall register the Graduation subject, each semester. Depending on the time of dedication the student they will be given 12 credits in orderto complete a minimum of 32 credits in this subject by the end of the program. At the end of each semester, the students must submit a paper on the development of their research to their Project Director, who will assign it the grade of Passed or Failed.

Throughout the the program, the maximum per semester will be 16 credits.

Furthermore, the applicants to the Doctoral Program in Mathematics must prove good command of English and reading skills in one of the following languages: French, German or Russian.

Research or Concentration Areas

  • Logic, Combinatory and Theoretical Computation sciences.
  • Differential Geometry and its application on Theoretical Physics.
  • Topology.
  • Differential Equations, Functional and Numerical Analysis.
  • Applied Mathematics: Probability, Statistics, Stochastic Processes and Optimization and Control.

Model Program

First Semester

MATE-6901Seminario de Postgrado I


Total Credit Hours:10

Second Semester

MATE-6902Seminariode Postgrado II


Total Credit Hours:6

Third Semester

MATE-6903Proyecto de Tesis 1


Total Credit Hours:10

Fourth Semester

MATE-6904Proyecto de Tesis 2


Total Credit Hours:10

Fifth Semester

MATE-6980Pretesis 1


Total Credit Hours:10

Sixth Semester



Seventh Semester

MATE-6981Pretesis 2


Total Credit Hours:10

Eighth Semester

MATE-6982Pretesis 3


Total Credit Hours:10

Ninth Semester



MATE-6990Defensa de Tesis


Total Credit Hours:10

Alumni Profile

Our University endeavors to train professionals able to conduct high-quality works in the areas of research on pure and applied Mathematics and able to contribute to further improve teaching at university level, as well as the application of theoretical methods provided by Mathematics to natural and social sciences and engineering.

Most of the alumnae of our program will have be able of joining the university as professors or researchers, as well as the private industry or the financial sector and may have a post-doctorate position in prestigious universities in the United States and Europe.
