ARQU-1306B Rascacielos Ciudad Vertical


More than 3,500 million people live in cities, averaging about 50% of the world’s population. In today’s world, when the development of cities – Bogota among one of them – begins to affect productive and environmentally protected lands necessary for its sustainable growth and assurance of the food chain; problem caused by the lack of developable land. It seems necessary then, to speak of vertical densification in order to avoid an “oil spill” growth and the detriment caused to rural lands. In the case of Bogota, this would be an alternative in those zones deemed urban renewal (e.g. The Centre of Bogota), that rest within the urban perimeter.

This course equally aims to destroy the myth of high-rise building in areas of high seismic risk, which deem it impossible to build big projects given the risk of their construction. Various real examples are shown of high-rise buildings built in cities that have suffered important seismic events and how they have coped and responded to this factor.

It will be interesting to show the student how the designers of this type of building take into account other factors such as wind speed; a factor also relevant for this type of construction. Lastly, it is also worth highlighting how when land values gain an exorbitant value in cities due to their scarcity, a better use of land becomes essential to the economic and social development of cities. In this way, various examples will be explored of new buildings seen as “organic cities” where the transportation impact on the city is lessened, having a complete interior life and self-sufficiency for the population within. 




Villate Matiz Camilo