ANTR-3102 Pensamiento Antropologico Colombiano

The purpose of this course is to provide a general panorama of the history of anthropology in Colombia, in order for students to learn its main lines of thought. The course discussions will travel through the history of the discipline from the end of the 19th Century up to the 1980s based on texts, biographies and events worth pointing out for being fundamental in the consolidation of the discipline in Colombia. The main objective is for students to become familiar with the different theoretic approaches developed over time by the discipline in Colombia in order for them to be capable of identifying the problems and questions covered and the concepts that were developed, as well as discursive strategies and methods. The history of Colombian anthropology will be placed in the context of the main contributions of anthropological thought in Latin America, particularly the traditions of Mexico and Brazil. It attempts to reflect on the conditions of anthropology in Colombia and Latin America in the framework of the emergence of modernity in the region, thus paying close attention to the socio-political contexts that conditioned its development. In order to do so, the course also views the reflections that Colombian and Latin American anthropology have set forth over the last few decades, developing an anthropology from anthropology.




Serje Margarita