ARQU-2203 Arquitectura Moderna


The idea of Modernity in this course is studied around the concept of the private dwelling; an area which was most certainly the great field for experimentation and area of greatest need and reflection for architects of the Twentieth Century. The label “Modern Movement in architecture” gathers the series of experiments which in Europe and North America happen in the first three decades of the twentieth century and that are made around the rationalization, standardization and serialization of architecture and which from 30s onward become generalized in the whole world. First called the ‘International Style’ – name given by Hitchcock’s MOMA exhibition of 1931 -, the movement groups a number of tendencies and responses to the world of industrialization and capital. Leonardo Benevolo, the historian which greatly promoted the use of the term, dates its start in 1919 with the creation of the Bauhaus school in Weimar.  Everything before this date must be considered a precedent to the movement: Industrial Revolution, Arts and Crafts Movement and the Avant-Garde.

In the course, the content will not be split into periods, tendencies or characteristics of the movements or people considered part of the Modern Movement. The idea is to develop along with students, the impacts of each architect on this period through chose examples. Lectures will focus specifically on the work of Le Corbusier. The students will on their part study different architects of the twentieth century. The sum of lessons and works of students will allow the discovery of what has erroneously been named “Modern Movement”.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso