CIDE-5406 Administracion del Desarrollo

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to orient and propose strategies of administration and government from his/her domain for the regional and local processes of development, towards the improvement of the living standards of the population. To this end, we will work around four units: regional actors of development, where we will endeavor to make the student able to identify and characterize the different types of social actors who intervene and/or are affected by regional and local processes of development, institutional improvements, where the student will be capable of describing the main institutional improvements determined by the regional and local processes in the development of Colombia and Context, in this unit the University strives to provide the students with an understanding on history, the importance of the environment/setting, the particular features of each region as to analyze the relations between social actors as per the opportunities and restrictions of the institutions, and a case study, that will enable the students to make a comprehensive analysis of administration in the development of Colombia.




Torres Jaime