HIST-2300B Comparative Colonial History

This course on comparative colonial history consist of a revision of the mail historical processes developed in Ibero-America from the 16th century to the beginning of the 18th century. Thus, it emphasizes in the territories colonized and incorporated to the kingdoms of Castilla and Portugal, from the arrival of the first conquerors up the moment in which the diversity of territories gained their independence from their respective metropolis. This topic will be addressed in a comparative manner. The territories belonging to the Spanish crown in the Americas were not homogeneus, they portrayed a collage of natural regions and diverse society, that determined the historical processes developed and the structure of the colonial societies that emerge from this contact. The same occurred in Brazil. The type of indigenous cultures found by the Europeans and the available wealth were the factors that shaped the colonial society. The origin, maturity and utter development of these societies will be the topics of discussion.




Maya Restrepo Luz