ICYA-2402 Hydraulics

The hydraulics course aims to introduce the student to the concepts of water movement mechanics in open flumes in order to be able to understand the behavior of this flow in the different applications of civil and environmental engineering, particularly in relation to drinking water supply and collection and disposal of wastewater in an urban environment. Other applications are hydraulics of rivers, irrigation districts and hydraulic structures associated with dams, treatment plants and pumping stations. The topics covered on the course are: application of the conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy, learned on the fluid mechanics course; the case of free surface flows; specific energy and specific momentum channels; uniform flow in partially full pipes and natural and artificial channels with gradually and rapidly varied flow; design of hydraulic structures; and unsteady flow in open channels.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso

201810 - 201820

Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
