MADM-4052 Taller de Negocios y Equipos Efectivos

The purpose of the negotiation and effective team workshop is to introduce the fundaments for the development of the skills needed by a negotiation team to deal with common situations of bilateral negotiations. The teaching will be centered on the preparation and management of the negotiation through an efficient process. The objective of the workshop is the planning and implementation of negotiation strategies and conflict resolution through the theory and practice offered by the case methodology. Furthermore, it will emphasize on the creation of opportunities with mutual benefit, allowing for the strengthening of the analytical and diagnostic capability to approach any type of problem in a methodic manner as relates to strategic and tactical issues. It is intended, through practical exercises, for students to have a conceptual framework that will guide them to achieve a good performance of their teams as leaders or as followers. It is about strengthening essential capabilities to maximize performance.




Azuero Isaza Marco