MDER-4201 Teoría del Derecho

This seminar reviews three ways of understanding the relation between Law and power in any of their branches, using the 16th to 19th centuries as historic background. In the first model put forward, Law is portrayed as a tool to restrict or controlling power, whether because it translates a reasons opposite to the irrationality of violence or reflects unbreakable agreements. In the second, Law is regarded as an administration tool through which a group tries to modify the current existing conditions. Lastly, in the third model, the seminar transforms into a reflection of the power relationships inside or outside the juridical field. The discussion is focused within the context of a Europe that have taken shape as the knowledge production center globalized through various colonial projects, while forming the national States. In the theory, this stress is made clear in the national consolidation following the independence of the American states.  




Jaramillo Sierra Isabel