Physics Department

The Physics Department of Uniandes is one of the most important physics research centers in Colombia, and it enjoys a good reputation at international scale. Its full-time professors have broad experience in scientific research, they write for some of the leading national and international physics journals, and they keep in constant touch with some of the leading laboratories and physics research centers in Europe, North America and Latin America. At present, they develop research programs on High-energy Physics, Condensed-matter Physics, Quantum and mechanical physics, Information physics, Biophysics, Astrophysics and Astronomy, as well as geometrical and algebraic models in Physics.

Research activities are the core of the Physics Department, as from the base of the research groups, it offers academic undergraduate programs on Physics, Masters Degree on Sciences-Physics and Doctoral Programs on Sciences-Physics. Students in these programs may join any research group and be actively involved in the development of sciences.

The Physics Department, in addition to training physicists, also contributes to the training of students from different disciplines through the courses on Physics (theory and laboratory) for Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biological sciences, Medicine, Design and Architecture. It also offers options in Physics and Astronomy, which are open to students from different programs at the University. Furthermore, it contributes with courses of the Uniandes Basic Cycle (CBU), which is offered to all the University careers.