Political Science Department

Political Science teaching began at Universidad del los Andes in 1963, through the creation of a service section within the School of Arts and Sciences. In 1968 and for the first time in Colombia, an Undergraduate Program started, with the objective of educating professionals who would be capable of contributing with the analysis of social and political national problems. In early 1975, the Master Degree Program in Political Science started, opening a new activity stage in the academic work of the Department. Additionally, the department offers Specializations in Negotiation and International Relations, Armed Conflicts and Peace and a Doctoral Program in Political Science.

Due to the fact that there is a clear recognition in the country about the need to understand the political background of social phenomena, the Department has emphasized since its creation, on the fact that research work is a complement to the professor´s duty. This effort has been seen realized in various publications about topics related to the electoral behavior, structure of political power, decision making process, the State, political parties and international politics. With the intent to keep a good academic level and introduce to the Program the operated progresses in political science, at a national level as well as in Latinamerica and in more advanced societies, the Department carries out activities such as continuing education courses, seminars, round tables and conferences which offer students valuable opportunities to enhance their regular process of academic education.

During four decades of existence, the Department´s work, has achieved important contributions to improve understanding of political phenomena as well as a more adequate planning of policies that contribute to the solution of problems that create an impact on the country´s development.