DDER-6201 Metodos de Investigacion Juridica 1

This Seminar provides students with an introduction of the various forms of Law empirical research. Through a critical reading of weekly works in this category, challenges and possibilities of this nature will be introduced. Nearly half of the presentation studies will address Colombian and Latin American problems, including the diversity of legal regimes, the dynamics of transplants, the impact of the State weakness in relation with norms materialization, and the importance of cultural and political processes that have arisen under the Constitution in past decades. Furthermore, works from other countries on similar topics will be read. In each reading, there will be questioning as to the way in which the text participates in an academic dialogue relative to social problems, and particularly, the way in which empirical research enriches discussion possibilities. Thus, a bridge will be extended between internal reflection in Law and the more specific education that can be followed in other Schools as to methods that are relevant to each discipline. Lastly, the students will be trained to work closely with their tutors in the proposal of a research that can include elements of this nature.
