ICYA-4309 Financial Aspects in Civil Engineering

The course emphasizes in developing the necessary skills so that a civil engineer has the capability of:  (1) Active interaction in the investment decision making of a public and/or private organization; (2) Have the criteria to evaluate and decide over the financial convenience of developing a civil engineer related project; and (3) Understand and quantify the financial implications of the investment of a project. This skills are meant to broaden the knowledge of the civil engineer so that they can see their working environment as an economic and financial structure and therefore evaluate the implications of these disciplines in any civil engineering project. 

Also, the course looks to teach the student to identify, calculate and incorporate the key variables of project structuring in any investment project, as well as the understanding of the implications that financial uncertainty and risk mean for the financial evaluation of construction projects



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
