DENI - Postgraduate Certificate in International Business Law

DENI-5701 Comercio Internacional

Basic concepts, policies and institutions. The purpose of the contextualization module is to present a series of basic concepts based on which students manage to understand the structure of foreign trade from the perspective of economic theory. Monetary variables of foreign trade are studied as of this starting point, covering concepts such as: balance of payments, capital flow, exchange market and reserves.   The second part is devoted to the theoretic and practical study of the foreign trade policy. Recent debates on globalization, technological change, international competitiveness and governability precede the particular study of the different global and regional trade agreements that have given rise to the integration between developed and third world countries. This course consists of the following three subjects: 1. Basic economic concepts. 2. The OMC system and the FTA 3. The monetary variables of foreign trade.





DENI-5702 Contexto del Contrato Internacional

This course identifies the sources in the sphere of International Business Law. The mechanisms to unify standards are covered with special emphasis including UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) and UNIDROIT (International Institute for the Unification of Private Law), in addition to the different international conventions on the matter, Supranational Law, the Lex Mercatoria, etc. On another note, it delves into the study of International Private Law, particularly relating to obligations and contracts, as well as the recognition and execution of foreign rulings and decisions.   Part of the module is dedicated to the study of elements of Compared American Law, which covers topics such as: Liability rights, contracts and companies. This course consists of the following three subjects: 1. International Private Law in Obligations and Contracts. 2. Unification, Harmonization and Lex Mercatoria in International Private Law. 3. Elements of Compared Law - Liability Rights, Contracts and Companies in the United States of America





DENI-5703 Operaciones y Contratos Internacionales

This module conducts a particular study of the most relevant international contracts. In particular, it analyzes the international purchase and sale at a distance and international cooperation agreements such as franchises, licensing, agencies, joint ventures, transport and insurance contracts.   On another note, it provides notions of the financial sector as the fundamental channel to facilitate international trade operations. In order to do so, it delves into the role of the banking establishment and the development of Colombian legislation in instruments such as: letters of credit, bank bonds, guarantees and collections.   Finally, explores the characteristics of the business carried out over the internet and the legal and practical problems arising therefrom. This course consists of the following six subjects: 1. International or Distance Purchase and Sale 2. International cooperation agreements. 3. International Transport - sea, air and multimodal. 4. Insurance in the international context. 5. Payment means and instruments. . 6. E-business.





DENI-5704 Cambios Internacionales y Tributacion Internacional

It is concerned with the regimes that provide the setting for foreign investments in Colombia and the legal perspective of the Colombian investor overseas. Emphasis is made also on the issue of international taxation through the study of the more recent trends of International Tax Law. It also focuses on the accounting and tax problems arising from international operations. The course also approaches the regimes applicable to foreign investment and international contracting. The last module deals with Customs Law and complements the contents of this cycle. This course consists of four subjects: 1. International investments 2. International Changes 3. International Taxation 4. Customs Regime.





DENI-5705 Finanzas y Mercados Internacionales

The introductory module allows students to gain general knowledge in the accounting and financing area. It presents the main activities developed in the stock market and the role of international markets, along with the financing mechanisms commonly used in foreign trade. Lastly, the course addresses topics associated with the derived instruments and structural finances. Two subjects will be studied: 1. Financial Accounting and Mathematics 2. Stock Exchange Markets and Project Financing.





DENI-5706 Solucion de Conflictos y Negociacion

This module is intended to introduce students to the different alternative mechanisms used to settle disputes within the international domain. The course emphasizes on commercial arbitration, and regards also the settlement of disputes related to investment agreements. The class will particularly study the Conventions of New York, Panamá and Washington, the Arbitration Model Act of the CNUDMI and the Colombian regulation concerning international arbitration. The module is complemented with an international contract negotiation workshop that develops the students´ abilities in this regard. This course consists of the following three subjects: 1. Mechanisms for the settlement of disputes. 2. International Commercial Arbitration. Investment arbitration. 3. International Contract Negotiation Workshop.






Rey Vallejo Alfredo