School of Sciences
The Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad de los Andes is a scientific and educational center with more than 60 years of experience, with a recognized prestige in Colombia and abroad, thanks to a qualified teaching group and high-quality scientists who produce impactful research that promotes the development of Basic Sciences. The foundation of the Faculty is based on teaching and research. Hence our importance and commitment.
Research is a central pillar of the Faculty's academic programs, as well as the foundation of its scientific activity. It is important to highlight that, for the Faculty, teaching and research go hand in hand and mutually reinforce each other.
Its teaching staff includes nearly 100 highly qualified research professors with international careers and proven experience in cutting-edge research, who publish articles in leading scientific journals and maintain active scientific contact with some of the most prominent national and international laboratories and research centres. This extensive network of relationships allows for ongoing academic and scientific exchange.
Graduates of the Faculty's programs stand out for their capabilities and skills in the sector in which they work nationally and internationally.
The Faculty of Sciences is composed of the Departments of Biological Sciences, Physics, Geosciences, Mathematics and Chemistry, which offer six (6) undergraduate programs, four (4) master's programs and four (4) doctoral programs in their various scientific areas. In this way, it provides its students with a solid education, facilitating exchanges with important and prestigious institutions and research centers in Colombia and around the world.
Academic programs
Department of Biological Sciences
- Bachelor's degree in Biology
- Bachelor's Degree in Microbiology
- Master of Biological Sciences
- PhD in Science – Biology
Physics department
- Bachelor's degree in Physics
- Master of Science – Physics
- PhD in Science – Physics
Department of Geosciences
- Bachelor's Degree in Geosciences
Department of Mathematics
- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics
- Master of Mathematics
- PhD in Mathematics
Chemistry Department
- Bachelor's degree in Chemistry
- Master of Science – Chemistry
- PhD in Science - Chemistry
Research activities are organized within the Departments, around the following centers, groups and lines of research, many of which are recognized by Colciencias:
Department of Biological Sciences
- La Macarena Ecological Research Centre (CIEM).
- Center for Biochemical Research (CIBI).
- Center for Research in Tropical Microbiology and Parasitology (CIMPAT).
- Microbiological Research Centre (CIMIC).
- Mycology and Phytopathology Laboratory (LAMFU).
- Behavioral Ecophysiology and Herpetology Group (GECOH).
- Laboratory of Evolutionary Developmental Biology.
- Marine Molecular Biology Laboratory (BIOMMAR).
- Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolutionary Biology.
- Bio/Mics Research Group.
- Computational and Evolutionary Biology Group.
- Tropical Palynology and Paleoecology Research Group.
- Laboratory of Molecular Ecology of Aquatic Vertebrates (LEMVA).
- Laboratory of Botany and Systematics.
- Molecular Diagnostics and Bioinformatics Laboratory (LDMB).
- Laboratory of Microbial and Food Ecology (LEMA).
- Plant Physiology Laboratory.
- Human Genetics Laboratory (LGH).
- Laboratory of Zoology and Aquatic Ecology (LAZOEA).
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Parasites Research Group (BBMP).
Physics department
- Astrophysics Group.
- High Energy Physics Group.
- Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Group.
- Biophysics Group.
- Quantum Optics Group.
- Theoretical Physics Group.
Department of Geosciences
Department of Mathematics
- Algebra.
- Logic and Foundations of Mathematics Group.
- Stochastic Analysis and Applications Group.
- Functional Analysis and Mathematical Hydrodynamics Group.
- Geometric Analysis and Applications Group.
- Finite Morley Rank Groups.
- Group of Geometric Methods in Field Theory.
- Numerical Methods Group-Optimization.
- Infinite Dimensional Groups.
- Model Theory.
- Number Theory.
Chemistry Department
- Research Group in Electrochemistry and Polymeric Materials.
- Adsorbents and Catalysts Group for Environmental Protection.
- Bio-Organic Compounds Research Group.
- Research Group on Inorganic Chemistry, Catalysis and Bioinorganic Chemistry (GUIQUICB).
- La Quima Inorganic-Organic Interface Group (QUINORG).
- Organic Synthesis and Bio and Organocatalysis Laboratory.
- Research Group on Aroma Chemistry and Agri-Food Sciences.
- Research Group on Porous Solids and Applied Calorimetry.
- Solutions Thermodynamics Research Group.
- Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research Group (GABIO).
- Molecular Mechanisms of Metalloenzymes and their Biomimetics.