Guided Studies Program

Guided Studies is an academic program assigned to the Student Deanship, created for those students who wish to begin their college life and have not yet made a decision about a professional career. This program allows exploring the various alternatives offered by the University, so the student may make an informed decision, and from their own experience, select the profession that fits their interests, skills, and aptitudes.

To be eligible for the PED, it is necessary to obtain a score equal to or above that for the career that requires the highest semester score in the state-administered ICFES test. The registration procedure is the same as that for any program offered by the University.


  • Further the exploration in various areas of knowledge
  • Ensure that students make a career choice within a maximum period of four semesters

The Guided Studies Program lasts a maximum of four semesters, at the end of which the student must transfer to the career selected. Nevertheless, should the student select the career to be pursued before the fourth semester, he / she may do so, provided he / she fulfills the requirements established by the University for internal transfers. Once the transfer is made, the School or the Department selected will acknowledge the credits taken and approved, which belong to the selected career's syllabus. This program provides the student with Academic Counseling and Vocational Guidance.

For additional information, go to:

Telephone: (0571) 3394949, Extention 2228 or 2206


Location: ÑF Block, Yellow House