Philosophy Option


This Option is a cycle of courses in Philosophy that provides students from other programs with the possibility of complementing their regular studies. The purpose of this option is to provide students with the possibility of philosophically answering the questions that come up in their own fields of study.

Program Structure

The Philosophy Option has three possible categories:

  • Philosophy and Science
  • Ethics and Society
  • Aesthetics.

These three categories consist of five-course cycles with concentration in a specific area, that attempt to include the different interests of students from other programs as regards philosophy. Although they are not necessarily introductory courses, the three categories of this Option contemplated by the Philosophy program are open to all students of the University. Similarly, this cycle of courses may be used as accreditation courses for students who are interested in applying for the Master’s Program in Philosophy.


Cursos Obligatorios

FILO-1010Introduccion a la Filosofia



Cursos Electivos


Further information:

Contact: Johanna Mick

Contact Position: Coordinadora Académica Departamento de Filosofía

Contact e-mail:

Liaison at the School or Department