Physics Option


The Department of Physics, aware of the importance of physics in the training and creative activity of the professionals from different disciplines, particularly engineers and mathematicians, has offered the Physics Option, which, over the years, has been the object of considerable demand by these students. The Option attempts to provide students with a more comprehensive understanding of the physical processes on which many of the engineering applications are based, thus acquiring more solid theoretic and experimental knowledge in physics and a higher level of capacity to implement creative initiatives.

Program Structure

This Option is made up of two mandatory courses, with their laboratories (8 credits), two elective courses (6 credits), and two elective seminars (2 credits) for a total of 16 credits.


Cursos Obligatorios

Cursos Electivos

FISI-2025Computational Physics


FISI-2350Atomic and Molecular Physics




FISI-3101Seminar on High Energies


FISI-3701Seminario Materia Condensada


FISI-3801Seminario de Biofisica


FISI-3901Seminario 1 Astronomia y Astrofisica



  • Among the elective courses and seminars, there may be other courses from the intermediate and advanced cycle that can be used to complete the Option (FISI 2XXX and FISI 3XXX, respectively). Check with the Option Coordinator.
  • Elective courses vary from one semester to another depending on the offer of the Department of Physics.

Requirements to apply for this Option

  • Having completed the general physics cycle: Physics I, Physics II.
  • Present a letter of application to the Department of Physics along with the approval of the Head of the Department that the student belongs to.
  • Approval of the application in the Department of Physics with a written response addressed to the student.  The Department will assign a counselor for each student for assistance in choosing the courses (considering the prerequisites of each course) and setting up schedules.

Further information:

Contacto: Alonso Botero

Cargo Contacto: Coordinador de pregrado, departamento de Física

Correo Contacto:

Liaison at the School or Department