DEPO-1010 Voleibol Arena





DEPO-1200 Abdomen de Impacto

The course suggests a low intensity workout with basic movements, in order to reduce the fat storage in low and side parts helping to strengthen, tone up and mark the upper and mid abdominal section and waist. In order to obtain faster results, the student is advised to workout three times a week combined with a cardio workout.





DEPO-1201 Aikido

Aikido encompasses Japanese martial arts. It is an efficient discipline for the development and use of both physical and spiritual strength in men and women. The goal of Aikido is the convergence of body, technique and spirit into one, as founder Morihei Ueshiba explained: The true way of martial arts is not to neutralize the enemy, but rather direct him in such a way that he voluntarily abandons his hostile spirit. The purpose is to develop good aesthetics, sobriety, dynamism, simplicity, elegance and serenity. At the same time, students are trained to develop skills that allow them to interact more in harmony and solidarity, for their own benefit and for the different groups where they participate.





DEPO-1204 Billar

La clase de billar da a conocer, de una forma sencilla y práctica, el cálculo de los rombos o diamantes que han de permitirles aprender y elevar su nivel de juego, al poder ejecutar con exactitud destrezas y jugadas en las modalidades de carambola libre y a tres bandas.





DEPO-1206 Cuerpo Total

It consists of aerobic exercises with the entire body, with localized routines, especially on large muscles in order to tone up and strengthen them, and to reduce fat tissue and flaccidity. Many exercises are practiced in class, using bands and weights, in order to attain the objectives of the course.





DEPO-1207 Danza Contemporanea Principiantes

This course provides basic technical elements, based on the transformation of body movement into language to communicate experiences and feelings. The art of Contemporary Dance seeks to reflect the life of today´s man, to inquire into his real being. To speak of contemporary dance is to speak of a combination of different techniques, starting with stretching based on hata yoga, some positions taken from classical ballet and some techniques from modern dance, such as Graham and Limon.






Gonzalez Roldan Veronica

DEPO-1208 Stretching (Estiramiento)

The stretching course includes special stretching exercises in order to reduce the risk of injuries caused by inflexibility. It helps to alleviate nervous tension, to lubricate the joints and brace the muscles for any physical activity. Duration of stretching exercises can range from thirty seconds to one minute, coupled with good breathing techniques and concentration to develop flexibility and physical stamina. They can be applied to any sport.





DEPO-1212 Kickboxing

Kickboxing training course is a guided process based mainly on uninterrupted movements, performing different attack techniques, with fist or foot, in order to improve physical fitness, develop bilateralism, ability to react, reflects and combat skills. It combines movements and shifts from traditional boxing and martial arts, such as Taekwondo and Muay Thai (Thai boxing). Stretching exercises are practiced as a preamble to this strenuous physical work.






Fernandez Obregon Edgar

DEPO-1213 Rumba Aerobica

The Aerobic rumba class is based on performing aerobic movements of arms, shoulders, hips and waist, using different musical rhythms such as salsa, merengue, reggae and Colombian music, with a view to developing harmony, elegance, congeniality, a good body expression and cardiovascular fitness. It allows the development of an excellent physical condition and to improve motor coordination in each student.






Sanchez Ospina Liliana

DEPO-1214 Softbol

This is a variation of baseball where the techniques and development of the game are generally slower. The course teaches and develops knowledge of the game in participants, men and women, in order to form a team that can participate in college tournaments. A general knowledge is developed based on all the rules, differences and structures, complemented by a physical, mental and athletic development.





- DEPO-1216

DEPO-1217 Tai-Chi

It is a martial art of Chinese origin that provides multiple benefits. The purpose of Tai Chi is to increase the energy within the body through a series of exercises with slow, smooth and harmonic movements. During the course, sequences of movements are performed slowly and in circular, harmonic motions. It has become popular due to the therapeutic benefits it is believed to yield, and because it is widely accessible, regardless of the physical condition of the participant.






Fernandez Obregon Edgar

DEPO-1218 Tenis de Campo Principiantes

This course offers the student the opportunity to improve a basic technique that allows him to play fluently in the tennis court, improving the basic technique and the strokes control (drive and backhand)as well as the volley.





DEPO-1219 Tenis de Mesa Principiantes

The content of this course is intended to strengthen, reinforce and to know more advanced table tennis elements along with players that have acquired sports gestures and conditioned motor knowledge for the specific practice of this sport.






Ramirez Mojica Rene

DEPO-1220 Yoga

Through several yoga techniques and disciplines, the participant gains experience for the development of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual qualities. It means "union", that which is balanced and correct. It is an Eastern discipline focusing on physical and spiritual balance through exercise and meditation techniques. Yoga classes include movement practice, conscious relaxation, postures (asanas), and meditation and breathing techniques. The purpose is to bring the student in a systematic manner to a comprehensive balance as a human being. It also provides the opportunity to develop and improve physical, intellectual and emotional skills for a better performance in academic and social life.






Waldmann Rodriguez Joaquin

DEPO-1221 Frisbee Ultimate

The Ultimate Frisbee course is developed balancing physical work and the game itself, through group talks and discussions. The entire process takes place in a climate of respect, tolerance and self-regulation. The spirit of the game is to eliminate aggressive behaviors, intentional faults, behaviors based on winning at all cost, in favor of peaceful and tolerant conducts. It is taught through different techniques and strategies. This new sport is played with two teams, whose main element is a flying disc (frisbee) and the main purpose is to score as many points as possible on the other team. The game is played in a soccer field.






Diaz Olarte Juan

DEPO-1222 Escalada en Muro Principiantes






Cardenas Angarita Javier

DEPO-1224 Defensa Personal

The course teaches techniques to act in a situation of danger. Students learn to exploit the central nervous system of a potential aggressor, regardless of his size or strength, in order to control him. The method is based on natural movements that do not require years of practice. This class teaches selfishness management, because nobody is more important than the rest, and mutual respect is the key to a successful class. Students learn skills to defend themselves in potentially dangerous situations that may affect their physical integrity. They learn and implement defense and attack techniques.






Lobo Gregory

DEPO-1225 Kung Fu

It is based on nature and imitation of movements of certain animals such as dragon, tiger, panther, cat, eagle, etc.  Movements in Kung Fu help to strengthen muscles, tendons, and to improve physical condition. It is an excellent self-defense method, and the effort required contributes to control the spirit, courage and tenacity of the student. During the learning process, techniques must be enjoyed by the student, so it becomes a playful process. Their movements are colorful and energetic, they can be circular or straight, with some twists and jumps. While performing the actions, students must express rhythm, spirit, vigor, strength and the inner feeling that helps us improve our health.






Fernandez Obregon Edgar

DEPO-1226 Karate

It is physical-mental discipline, based on the use of all parts of the body, applied to self-defense. It is a sport originated in a Japanese martial art. In Karate, attack does not exist, and thus is conveyed the philosophy to the students: knowledge must not be used to attack, only as defense as a last resort. The purpose of Karate is personal betterment, both physical and spiritual. Prudence and humbleness are two concepts, taught with traditional methods. The system of training and competition of Karate includes Kumite (combats) and Katas (postures). These allow students to improve their visualization, concentration, aesthetic and artistic skills, through individual practice of postures. Tournaments include individual and group competitions.






Silva Alvis Mario

DEPO-1227 Pilates

It is a gymnastics method that strengthens and tones muscles up, improves posture, provides flexibility and balance, and improves body and mind. This method is a unique system of stretching and strength exercises developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. It is based on eight principles: concentration, precision, control, movement, centralization, breathing, alienation and routine. This method of exercises strengthens and tones muscles up, it improves posture and provides flexibility and balance. The course offers a practice known as Pilates Mat, where students can improve their movement, well-being, physical condition, flexibility and quality of life. The Pilates method counteracts the consequences of excessive training of muscle groups that can lead to injuries. It also complements sport training and develops a highly functional physical condition for daily activities.






Sanchez Ospina Liliana

DEPO-1228 Natacion





DEPO-1229 Futbol

Soccer practice is divided into male and female groups, focusing on training of the sport for any student in the University, with or without previous soccer skills. The idea is to encourage students to improve their skills and have fun during classes, apart from improving their physical condition. The course develops basic techniques, ball control, teamwork, as well as complex individual and team tactics and techniques.





DEPO-1230 Golf Principiantes

The purpose of this course is for students to attain a greater knowledge about basic and local rules, outfit and etiquette used in the game of Golf in both amateur and professional level.





DEPO-1231 Baloncesto

The purpose of this course is to train a group of students in the game of basketball. There are weekly practices where students review the basics (individual techniques) and develop offense and defense (collective techniques and tactics).






Benavides Perez Rodrigo

DEPO-1232 Capoeira

Capoeira is a combination of dance and martial arts. The basic objective of this course is to introduce, preserve, and promote Capoeira Angola, its history, contemporary character, and potential in our social context as a process of our continuous preparation as human beings.






Archila Rodriguez Fabricio

DEPO-1233 Voleibol

This class develops the learning of the sport based on practices and theoretical references offered by the trainer. It is based on the interests of the group, and evaluated from two perspectives (practice and theory), ensuring thus a direct involvement of the students.





DEPO-1235 Taekwondo Itf

The Taekwondo course enables the development of a good physical condition and the learning of different self-defense techniques, with a high sense of beauty, plasticity, rhythm and the aesthetics of movement. It trains students in a great discipline and it constantly exercises concentration, creativity and memory. Eligible for the course are students with or without previous experience, because evolution is gradual (belts). The program for each level is established by the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF). Taekwondo students can relieve the stress caused by academic activities.






Gomez Castro Henry

DEPO-1236 Softbol Masculino

In this sport activity, students learn the game of softball through practical and theoretical processes. They develop a general knowledge on the rules and structures of the sport, while improving their physical, mental and athletic condition.






Aguirre Espriella Jose

DEPO-1240 Squash Principiantes

El squash es un deporte de raqueta que se practica en una cancha especial, con 2 jugadores y una pelota de goma que puede tener distintos grados de velocidad o rebote. Los jugadores golpean la pelota con sus raquetas haciéndola rebotar en la pared frontal de la cancha. La pelota puede rebotar en todas las paredes cuantas veces sea necesario y en cualquier orden, siempre que golpee en la pared frontal o frontis, pero sólo puede rebotar en el suelo una vez antes de que se considere un punto para el contrincante. La clase de Squash tiene como objetivo brindar las bases fundamentales para la práctica de este deporte, teniendo en cuenta siempre, el nivel inicial de los estudiantes inscritos. Además de lo anterior, se mejoran los indicadores de la condición física mediante su entrenamiento.





DEPO-1242 Atletismo

El atletismo es un deporte que contiene un conjunto de disciplinas agrupadas en carreras, saltos, lanzamientos, pruebas combinadas y marcha. Es el arte de superar el rendimiento de los adversarios en velocidad o en resistencia, en distancia o en altura. El curso hace énfasis en la enseñanza de las técnicas del atletismo, en cuanto a la carrera, realizando prácticas de bases fundamentales y mejorando los indicadores físicos involucrados en este deporte. Los estudiantes finalmente mejoran la eficiencia en sus movimientos de carrera y así, los tiempos de cada una de las pruebas que puedan llegar a disputar. Los estudiantes destacados de este grupo, participan en diferentes competencias durante la temporada.





DEPO-1243 Danza





- DEPO-1245

- DEPO-1246

DEPO-1255 Curso Futsala

El curso de Futsala de la Universidad le brinda al estudiante un espacio en el cual puede aprender las principales técnicas comúnmente utilizadas en el futsala, tales como: superficies de contacto, pases, recepción, remate, etc. Además permite que los estudiantes adquieran una preparación física acorde con las necesidades del deporte.





DEPO-1256 Salsa

El curso de salsa constituye un espacio introductorio que aporta nociones básicas dentro de la práctica cotidiana del baile. A través de las clases se invita a los participantes a explorar distintas formas rítmicas y motrices que incentivan no solamente el reconocimiento de las capacidades corporales propias sino que favorecen la espontaneidad, mejoran la coordinación y disociación corporal, y aumentan la capacidad cardiovascular, así como también incrementan las capacidades comunicativas.





- DEPO-1257

- DEPO-1258

- DEPO-1259

- DEPO-1260

DEPO-1990 Danza Urbana

Es un estilo de danza funk y baile callejero, que hoy en día se asocia al movimiento Hip Hop. Se caracteriza por rápidos movimientos de manos y brazos, combinados con otros más relajados de caderas y piernas. Los movimientos son generalmente largos y exagerados, y en ocasiones muy rítmicos, sincronizados con la música.



