IMEC-2411 Ingeniería de Materiales

Having learned the properties and basic applications of the main material families, this course seeks to introduce the student into the world of structures control in its most relevant scales. This approach allows giving more precision to the selection criteria for the design of processes and products, taking into account the internal structure of the material. It is also desired that the knowledge acquired is contextualized with the national technological reality and that it is used to motivate innovation. The objective of the course will be achieved through the study of the different families of materials, particularly metals, ceramics and polymers. This study will be carried out with the following sequence: i. Generalities-introduction, ii. Structures, iii. Properties, iv. Manipulation-volumetric and superficial properties, v. Composites from this material family. The execution of projects will be the application center and contextualization of the gained knowledge.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
