CBPC-1086 Technology and Globalization

Contemporary scientific and technological developments are seen as closely related to globalization. In this course, we purport to question certain crucial moments in recent history relating technological developments associated with colonial practices. We seek to keep a view on local and global processes and their interrelations. Students are introduced to Latin American and Colombian examples and how these cases are related to global socio-economic structures.

We look for the student to treat critically the aforementioned elements. We expect that they incorporate them in their reflections and argumentative essays, in such a way as to incorporate these capacities into their future professional practices. 

We expect the student to develop an integrative way of thinking, as well as a critical approach at notions such as technology, development, coloniality and modernity.


Ernesto Lleras Manrique

Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
