CIDE-5403 Culture and Development

The proposed approach In this course is to seek students acquiring the training to analyze development as a social and cultural process. The course has three objectives. The first one is that students could be able to identify development and modernization as cultural subjects. Cultural concepts will be discussed on the first instance. Modern culture extension in the planet and its central characteristics will be studied, usually invisible as its believes and stances are considered natural. The second objective of the course is to familiarize students with the set of theory questions coming up from recent developments in social sciences centered in critic thoughts on development and its featured ancestors: civilization and progress. Thus the set of development associate notion genesis will be studied as well as the critics proposed different lines. The third objective is to identify social and cultural implications of the running of the programs projects and development policies for which some central development practices will be focused such as poverty measurement participation social impacts identification the social dynamic of development projects will be studied. To that end the students will develop a case study during tof the semester and based upon concrete aspects the different expressions of cultural dimension of development.




Pardo Rojas Mauricio