DCOM - Postgraduate Certificate in Commercial Law

- DCOM-5100

DCOM-5200 Legal English

Introduce students to the main aspects of Colombian Commercial Law in English. Basic subjects: General principles of contracts and obligations, freedom of the will, Mandatory Provisions, Foreign Trade, Trust, Companies and Corporations, Main Topics Covered by the Commercial Code Reform, Inspection, Surveillance and Control by the Superintendence of Companies, By-Laws for a Colombian Stock.





DCOM-5201 Titulos Valores





DCOM-5202 Propiedad Industrial

The goal is to explore the legal developments of the main industrial property institutions, review the protections that lawmakers provide to industry property right holders, and to study some important approaches of comparative law that influence Colombian law. Basic topics: Fundamentals of industrial property, Patents, Utility Models , trademarks, trade name and emblems, domain names, highly renowned distinctive signs, corporate secrets, sanctions to industrial property rights violations.





DCOM-5203 Procesos Concursales

The objective is to provide students with the theoretical and practical tools needed to perform successfully in the field of Bankruptcy Processes, particularly focused towards the Insolvency Law. Basic topics: Insolvency Law (reorganization agreements and judicial liquidation), Administrative compulsory liquidation and other bankruptcy institutions working in the country over the last years (concordat, reorganization agreements and compulsory liquidation).





DCOM-5204 Sociedades

The course is targeted to analyze, review and discuss some of the main concepts and institutions of the modern Corporate Law. The course is focused on analyzing the most important problems related to corporate techniques in the current Mercantile Law. Basic topics: Corporation as contract, Simplified Shareholding Corporation, Assemblies and meetings, Responsibility of the administrators, merges and procurements, corporate groups, corporate taxation aspects.





DCOM-5205 Introduccion al Derecho Comercial

The goal is to analyze the historical evolution and current trends of Commercial Law, especially regarding trends of harmonization and standardization. Also, to identify the principles of Commercial Law, and to reinforce the knowledge of institutions regulated in the first Code of Commerce, in order to achieve its practical application. Basic topics: Historical evolution and perspectives of commercial law, sources of commercial laws, Subjective and objective systems (act of trade and tradesmen), professional duties of tradesmen, commercial registry and commerce chambers, sole proprietorship and its meaning in Colombian law, Trends in harmonization and standardization of Commercial Law.





DCOM-5206 Contratos Mercantiles

The purpose is to examine, from the economic and legal point of view, the principal aspects of commercial contracts, through the review of the main types of commercial contracts regulated by the Code of Commerce and other complementary norms, as well as innominate contracts. Also, to study trends of standardization of Private Law regarding contracts. Basic topics: General theory of obligations and commercial contracts, adhesion contracts, legal instruments for the distribution (brokers, supply, commercial concessions, brokerage, franchise and distribution), Joint Ventures (groups of economic interests, consortia), Mutual funds and legal regime of interests, trusts as confidence institutions, Contracts for technology transfer, medical service contracts, transportation contracts (sea and air), insurance.





DCOM-5208 Derecho de la Competencia

Review the main orientations of the Competition Law from a legal and economic perspective. To such effect, the course will analyze the governmental controls in matters of commercial restraining practices, the control exerted on integration processes and the regulations being developed in this regard, both in National Law and compared perspective. In addition, the courses studies behaviors deemed unfair within the market as well as its relation with industrial property rights. Basic topics: Microeconomic foundations of the Antitrust Law, Control of competition restraining practices, Control of corporate merging, compared Antitrust Law, unfair competition events.





DCOM-5209 Derechos de Autor

The goal is to study the legal regime of copyright protection, develop practical tools for the implementation of management processes in the company regarding design, development and disposal of copyright protected assets, and to analyze some approaches of comparative law that influence the Colombian regulations. Basic topics: Copyright and its developments in international trade agreements, general features of copyright protected works (software, data bases, research, among others). Contracting systems within companies (labor, licenses, service provision, cession, among others), Implications of management reports of companies regarding copyrights, Use and disposal of copyright protected content in internet, comparative law (analysis of legislation, jurisprudence and foreign doctrine on these issues).





DCOM-5210 Comercio Electronico

This course is targeted to know and analyze some technological and legal issues attached to e-commerce. Additionally, it intends to warn and raise awareness among the participants with regard to the eventual risks of legal kind that may be faced within the digital framework. Basic topics: Technological aspects of the Internet and the ICT´s, Legal e-commerce regime and contracting through data messages, introduction to the electronic company, digital document, securities digitalization, protection of personal data, digital evidence, safety considerations in electronic operations, Law and applicable jurisdiction in Internet.





DCOM-5211 Contabilidad

The goal is for students to understand the meaning and the logics of the financial information system and the management of financial statements. Also, to learn and apply in the entrepreneurial context the basic tools of financial analysis, which evaluate the current and future situation of the company. Basic subjects: Fundamental principles of accounting, the accounting information system as a tool to make decisions, Interaction of the accounting equation, Structure of the balance sheet, Structure of the cash flow, Structure of the income statement, Introduction to financial diagnosis.





DCOM-5212 Derecho del Consumo



