DERE-3601 Derecho Internacional 2

This is the second compulsory course in the area of international law. The pre-requisite is having taken. The course is an introduction to the main topics of Economic International Law: the importance of trade and the World Trade Organization in times of globalization, multilateral financial institutions and their role in regulating the current world economy, and especially the role of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and the importance of foreign investment and its legal regulation in the economic growth of developing countries, and as part of this topic, the relevance of the phenomenon of growth of multinationals. Students receive a basic introduction to international economy in order to understand these topics. At the end of the course, students will be familiarized with issues such as the international economics system, the main international economic institutions as well as their actors, and specific issues such as international finances, international trade, and international disputes and arbitration processes.  



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
